The SHAM Idea of Equality Needs To Be EXPOSED
Equality! what's that? - Oh! I know MEN have nothing and women have everything (given to them may i add) with no thanks or responsibility and thart is NEVER enough for their greed, that is what equality is to a Women. So what have they gained from this privilege?...................................."NOTHING". They have lost MEN well the sensible REAL MEN, the GOOG GUY's rather than the nice guy simps that is. MEN really have no need for women, and when a Guy get's his own freedom as he want's it, his own time, money and that World trip or Muscle Car he always wanted for example, then WHY THE FUCK would he give any small part of it up to a lying, cheating, untrustworthy piece of CUNT probably also carrying an STD/STI. I mean would YOU stick your DICK in a guilotine? Nope so why take the equal RISK of sticking it in a women that has been round the block more times than a vintage BUS! lol! Equality has to become addressed or nothing will change. It's all stagant as it is with womens shitty ways and nature, they don't deserve MEN with things as they are, it is the women that has to change. MEN have changed and walked away, whether they return depends soley on women changing their Shit attitude.
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