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The Simp Dog Mindset (Bulldog) - MGTOW

Published on 16 Jun 2020 / In People & Blogs

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MGTOW is a scam.


Bulldog Mindset

MGTOW Mystery Link: https://youtu.be/YfV46ShoQrw?t=229

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I have a topic for you with my donation. The Simp Dog Mindset (Bulldog) had a massive meltdown over MGTOW again. He calls MGTOW a cult in the same video. He says He's the only true MGTOW among other things. I find it funny to watch and hope he does more. I wonder how mad he can get at MGTOW before he commits social media Slip and Slide (If you catch the drift) A Redpill a day keeps the Feminist divorce Lawyers away." Well Thomas thanks for the donation and topic. First of all I've got to be careful with this video and not bully John the bulldog because I wouldn't put it past him to try to hit my channel with a strike. I'll keep everyone posted if he does. Second of all I don't think he's a simp at all. Obviously he's financially and physically successful. I just think he doesn't like competition and that he wants to make money and MGTOW is a threat to that money. Plus he's anti-MGTOW and YouTube appears to be deliberately promoting anti MGTOW channels in the search results. That should show everyone how big of a threat we are to both the marriage and PUA scam business. The Bulldog has good reason to attack us and use our acronym as a marketing gimic for his advice that's no doubt ruining the lives of many guys. Remember what Charlie Munger says. Show me an incentive and I'll show you the outcome. The incentive for Bulldog Mindset to attack MGTOW is probably because according to his website which I've linked to he's charging fifteen hundred dollars for once a month coaching. My guess is that it's through Skype or Zoom. I charge $45 dollars an hour for a coaching session. No wonder he's probably pissed off at me. I'm taking clients from him. In honor of him charging so much I'll drop my rates for the next week to thirty dollars for an hour of Skype coaching. Unlike Coach Bullfrog I actually care about saving lives while he's building up bad Karma coaching men to head towards the plantation. The outcome of his incentive to attack us is that once again lives guys will be ruined. His MGTOW is a lie & a cult video has less than ten thousand views as I'm recording this. All of my videos pass through that total even without promotion from YouTube. His traffic is less than mine and he hasn't even been throttled by YouTube for having borderline or offensive content yet he still has less views than me. Plus he's most likely still monetized. I'd love to see how long he'd continue making money if that sweet sweet YouTube money dried up and his traffic dropped in half over the last year the way mine has? I'll discuss John more in a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring On 200k in Southeast Asia:

11 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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vagabondsigmamgtow 4 years ago

who the FUCK DISLIKED IT ????

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SingleNomadMillennial 5 years ago

I like Better Bachelor and Think Before You Sleep because they are red pills but they are bachelors. I want to thank Sandman because your red pills content helped me to avoid coming back to black pill and commit suicide after I was falsely accused by a White American woman librarian at a community college in SF Bay Area, California. You saved my life. Thanks to you I had the balls to leave my mother and move out from SF Bay Area, California to Nevada. Of course, learning from Nomad Capitalist and Experium Markets helped it too. So, I moved out to Nevada to reduce my tax liability and stay away from California. Today, I am self-motivated, stoic and angry, so I will succeed in my endeavors. Keep the good fight Sandman

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SingleNomadMillennial 5 years ago

Nonetheless, I agree with Jon Sonmez and Kris Cantu. Watching porn and jerking off even sex dolls are for losers (incels)

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SingleNomadMillennial 5 years ago

I decided I will not renew the Mastermind beta program for the months to come.

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SingleNomadMillennial 5 years ago

BTW, John Sonmez The Emperator of Simps interviewed former MGTOW Latino Kris Cantu. Well, Kris Cantu said men should be ashamed for watching porn and jerking off because it shows self-control issues and he gets it because he went through that and he was raised by a single mother. He confessed he abandoned MGTOW philosophy after his travel across Southeast Asia and now he wants to have a family (obviously with a Southeast Asia woman). He also mentioned he was MGTOW to feed MGTOW members and due his anger and bitterness towards American women. He still thanked Sandman for his red pill content.

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