The SOFT GUYE ERA Made FOX NEWS - 40 Minutes Women Frustrated Soft GUYS-Women Hitting The Wall
I didn't really ubderstand the Soft Guy thing at first, but now I have found mthis explanation it's a good thing for MEN. Aq kind of Parody of the CUNT sprinkle sprinkle thing women do! lol! Personally I don't lift a finger to help women anymore but if I did I want paying for my time and attention! Be that Buck's or a cup of Coffee and a Sandwich? MEN now have the upper hand not that we ever DIDN@T have it. After all I see Drizzle Drizzle as just another shep in Equality, but the bitches don't like it. If a women wants ME, she will have to pay for that privilege from now on! lol! That ugly word "Reciprication" has entered a womens vocab and they are going to have to re learn what that word means, so guys before you do anything for a piece of CUNT, you make sure SHE knows what Recipricatioin means! lol! This is aimed mainly at the WALL HIITERS because they are the one's that will have to work hardest to ]get a MAN. As for ME? I really don't give a shit either way, Avoiding and disregarding women for their previous MAN hating actions has really finished it all for me. The result is I have a good trouble free life, with my own money time and interest'd and hobbies, non of which are effected or ruined by women! Peace Gentlemen.Remember tke the bitches money and run - DFrizzle Drizzle! lol! Giv'em a taste of the screwing they have been giving us MEN?
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I wanted to see the Fox news part? It's just fat black women being annoying as always. Or fat white woman talking like black women is also really annoying. Don't talk, smile. Everybody is unhappy because of quality of life and cost of living though. Yet again mostly women's fault bringing us to this situation then getting mad at men for not being Prince Hunter Biden with free cocaine to give away and harem living quarters paid for by real workers.
Back to my harem ecchi anime then where life is enjoyable and females are lovely. Or just one waifu that's fine as well. There's a new Girls und Panzer film out and those females are fun. While real women play on they Idiotphones these Girls in Panzers are driving and shooting tanks as a sport learning how to be appealing wive potential for men. Seriously that's a thing in the first episode orientation. They didn't take over a male sport, they made their own sport to entertain men. Females in military uniform top and skirt driving tanks like airsoft/paintball competition. The English team members are named after flavors of tea. These real women in the video have odd names that aren't interesting or amusing in any way. Then the team leader of America isn't a fat black woman. It's a bombshell bubbly blonde from the 40's. You're all watching the wrong part of the internet. These Tik Toks. Use Aniwave/9anime.
My life be like
Ooooooo Ahhhhhhhhh
Ooooooo Ooooooo
My life be like
I've dated wealthier women, though. They don't like to share as men do. They have their own issues with power and intimacy.
Suffer, suffer, suffer ladies. Enjoy your choice ladies.
The Portuguese Water Dog at 2:40 makes me laugh. Gentlemen, please raise the bar higher than that.