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The Stomach-Churning Things Nazis Did To Gay Men

Published on 21 May 2023 / In Comedy

Nazi Terror, Gay Men In Nazi Germany

The conversation had been growing and growing by the week. What started as murmurs of far-right thugs had developed into a fear of a coming political party. Across the bars and meeting places all over the country, the LGBT community of Germany could feel a storm coming. Homosexuality was illegal at the start of 20th century Germany but was counterweighted by a healthy thriving gay culture. Yet what was once angry grandstanding from a fringe socialist worker's party soon became national policy. In 1933, Adolf Hitler would become Chancellor of Germany and enforced a thoroughly phobic policy agenda by the day. Barely a year later, following a Night of long knives, the Nazi police state made Germany’s homosexual population a primary target. Persecution, arrests, physical abuse, castration, and even the fate of the concentration camps lay ahead. Welcome to History on Fleek, today we examine the unspeakable fates of gay men in Nazi Germany.

In today's video we look at The Stomach-Churning Things Nazis Did To Gay Men...Keep watching to see Nazi Terror, Nazi Torture and Gay Men In Nazi Germany.

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Inspired by Brutal Torture of Gay Men under Nazi Regime - Nazi Germany

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Hmm. You mean like our Unconstitutional and hence illegal spying by the ISPs as required by our "governments." They are recording our habits snd preferences for what nefarious purpose...? I wonder.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Funny considering Hitler was a gay Jew excommunicated.

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usr6874038614 1 year ago

Nice example of how to do propaganda : just have someone read lies in front of a microphone and add pictures from other events. What this piece does not show is how the j*ws, who had been treated well in Germany before, used their influence and power in the 1920s to turn Berlin into the degeneracy capital of the world, together with the rest of Germany. It is only normal that when someone wants to clean up the mess, he goes after the degeneracy. Since LGBT promotion was part of the cultural attack, he went after them. Action and reaction.

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TelepathicRapist 1 year ago

Right on. There becomes a point where a person is beyond recovery in my view. As you proceed through life, it is as if you are cement drying. As the cement dries it is possible to reshape, but it gets more and more difficult. After a point you have to chip away material, then after that the only way to fix it is to break it all away and start over. Weimar Germany was essentially a modern Sodom and Gomorrah. It is happening again in western countries. So much sick crap was coming out of there. Read on Magnus Hirschfield and how he pioneered sex change operations then ran away like a rat before the war got bad. LGBT has always existed throughout time. Society always has these subversive minorities, the correct approach has always been to tolerate them bit never accept them as normal well adjusted people because they are not. They need to stay in their lane. Letting them overstep and take the mainstream always leads to doom, just look at what is happening now. LGBT is a corrosive force that rots society. Letting it go too far always leads to an inevitable tragic conclusion because the negative effects this population of people have become too costly when society is in a state of decline. Soon their decadent lifestyle is going to run out of rope and their truvada and hormone prescriptions are running dry. They are running out of rope.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

@TelepathicRapist: Well, that's just describing women: tested them in the kitchen, but don't let them run as "Governah" and sink this country... oh shit! Too late! Too late!

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Go to 7:13 - a couple of lead in seconds - and this is another text to speech engine - from Youtubes Video Factory - because the AI text to speech software mispronounces common words - it says "pla-ggs" not "plauges".

You can pick up these discrepancies ALL the time in most of the videos - if not for the mistakes, it's the wooden cadence of a delivery.

Pink Floyd - Run Like Hell & Waiting For the Worms

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crimsonhawk 1 year ago

Dude. This whole video is she propaganda.

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@crimsonhawk: Yeah - just ate a rather large chunk of "very strong" fresh onion in a salad... Just threw it all up... Hmmmmm Oh this is ALL globo-homo propaganda - pushing the apparently and largely fake war against degenerate homosexuals.....

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crimsonhawk 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: what blows my. Mind is that this was ai generated. You can tell because it uses all kinds of modern day lingo to sympothis with the homos and demonize the other party WITH OUT USING ANY FUCKING SOURCE

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@crimsonhawk: Ahhhhhhhhh I see - "WITH OUT USING ANY FUCKING SOURCE" ----- good point.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Bro. I USE this text to speech. It's just the software. You need to add in a step to rewrite the words to be pronounced more correctly.

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@WMHarrison94: Sniffing around for some text to speech software - just to read out 49 page documents, some times it's just easier... sort of. AND not having a lot of luck getting a system that will run on Linux and save to MP3..... and not sound like a robot...

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Sweet. Thanks to forced migration to Win11... Linux is becoming very popular to me. So, if you find some, share the links!

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 1 year ago

Are you a puff yourself?

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crimsonhawk 1 year ago

I wish. Pussy taste too good.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 1 year ago

@crimsonhawk: why are you on the side of promoting degeneracy then? Those creatures are one of the main factors to the destruction of our society.

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crimsonhawk 1 year ago

@The Man Inside: yeah I didn't do a very good job of posting this I thought you guys would catch on but basically this is AI propaganda using SJW words

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crimsonhawk 1 year ago

@The Man Inside: also gays ethics have fucked up western society and I disagree whole heartedly with their shit. This video was ai generated and it was posted not too long ago. It uses modern-day vernacular to describe old world problems

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 1 year ago

@crimsonhawk: do you know where the word "nazi" comes from? It was invented by the jew propaganda machine after the war to vilify the German population. A way to "justify" the atrocities committed by the soviet jews against the civilian population in Germany. Porn were the books being burned in Germany, porn is a weapon used by the jew against us. Homosexuality is practiced by the jew, and again, a weapon used against us. Paedophilia, necrophagia...

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

@crimsonhawk: AI revisionist history... fuck.

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