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The story of Australias 0055 datingchat line TV ads from the 80s and 90s

Published on 28 Aug 2024 / In Film & Animation

The most irritating shit you could ever get on TV - "Call Me, Call Me Now" - with 5 or 6 of these fucking adds, back to back, every 3 minutes on late night TV, while trying to watch Star Gate Atlantis.... Fuck I hate the Australian TV networks - they are ALL retarded cunts.

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You should have seen late night Australian TV, when they fucked up by interrupting the add show with 3 minutes of Stargate Atlantis after every 5 or 6 inutes of "Call Me, Call Me Now" phone slut chat adds..... AND they would run 5 or 6 of these fucking bullshit adds back to back, repeatedly... every 3 minutes, during Star Gate Atlantis..... Fuck I hate the degenerates and idiots of the Australian main sleaze media.

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