The Stupid Zoom Gods of Alcoholics Anonymous
Published on 07 Apr 2022 / In
Film & Animation
These types are through all 12th Step Fellowships.
They are all through humanity.
Let these mother fuckers die - by their own hand.
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What this retarded fuck means by "Turning your camera on for the security of the group" - is that kids come in - and like to wind up the low IQ shits in the AA meeting, by making bullshit comments, playing music and being disruptive....
The people in AA are generally not smart enough to "deal with" these kids... so they resort to EVERYONE must turn their cameras on, or they get booted. It's THE RULE... and the RULES MUST BE OBEYED.
Yeah like fuck.
So this is a faster way of screening out the kids fucking around in the meeting, BUT they can be kicked out the moment they fuck up so the point is kind of moot.
Australia is a HUGE place and while the shit bag phone companies claim they cover 99% of the population - this is only covering around 33% of the land area - or 66% of Australia has NO coverage. No cellular network, no phone calls, no internet, nothing.
And of that 33% coverage, there is much of it that gets weak to no coverage - these are called black spots... Where not only does the call drop out, the phone simply drops off the network.
AND a lot of people in Australia, going to the online zoom meetings, do so, because the meetings are few, the distances are HUGE and for many of us, the bandwidth is very limited. If the data throughput at an optimum with no network congestion - might require 100 units of data, with 60 units in the download and 40 units of data in the upload - to run a Zoom meeting.
Now if you have a piss poor weak connection - bordering on collapsing beyond audio incoming only - well audio incoming ONLY - with the incoming video stopped and no transmitting of any audio or video, might be say 10 units of data. This will hold until the network drops down to a capacity of 6 to 8 units, and Zoom is coded to sustain the connection by throttling that back too.
So if your in an area with about 20 units of bandwith, turning on the incoming video, or the outgoing video, or both - well that blows out the connection and breaks it... and you lose the connection.
But the fucking retards playing god, don't "get it" - If your in Bumfuckistan or Miles from Bumfuckistan - you can't run an out going video stream...
And when you tell them this, their reply, "But the fucking rule book says".
These are the same types of retarded cunts that use a cigarette lighter to see how much fuel is in a drum or a tanker...
They are through all 12th Step Fellowships.
They are all through humanity.
So when your a brain dead cunt, who is drug fucked - the odds are against you, just for being fucking stupid.
And when it comes to the issue of fucking with me, my life, my recovery etc., I am so glad that the people in AA who play all sorts of loser head games, have the inevitability of relapse and death awaiting them.
The idea is to stand back and let these mother fuckers die - by their own hand.
Pray to god,Pray to Jesus,prayer is the answer!
If you pray hard enough and bow down low enough,you can even get a Christian sponsor to provide you with a long as you put the money in the basket!
You wanted real solutions?
But praying to gawd and Geezus is the only answer to every problem!
Bow down low before your god or live the rest of your life as a dicksucking crackhead!
Worship at the feet of the lord!
Pray more!
What did you actually think we did anything except prayer here?
Went to some of those AA things years and years ago just to confirm to myself that they actually do and say nothing to help people overcome addiction,it's just a big giant lie to get desperate people to convert to their religion
Any poor suffering desperate person the Jews/Catholics/Christians/Muslims etc can find they will convert to their religion any way they can.
They are not good people,and their priesthoods are the worst people on earth!