The Tesla Files - Secret Weapons - Episode 4
Published on 12 Feb 2021 / In
Science & Technology
History Channel's The Tesla Files Secret Weapons Episode 4
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oh, the oil companies were absolutely involved with tesla's downfall, competition was not something these ppl had in mind as it wasn't about the best product, it was more about the potential money loss that the oil and gasoline industries would lose out on.
which is really sad considering we could of had an really significant boom in tech advancements world wide if these oil and gas companies hadn't gotten in the way.
but it was an dog eat dog world back then, and not everyone played nicely to achieve the same goals. so in many ways we stagnated because we used gasoline and oil for our main production, but it's kind of happening again with these lockdowns and shut downs of the means of production, but of course they are doing it under the guise of the greater good because they want to look like the hero's when we get out of it.
create problem, blame others for problem, then massive desperation, and then provide solution, look like hero's in the end.
the problem with lithium ion battery tech is lithium is becoming scarce since we are running out of it, however i hear there is some talk about a large cash of it being found within another rock and all it takes is some refining that is quite costly and and time consuming, however there has also been talk about this graphene battery tech that will supposedly bypass our battery tech hurdles significantly as it's much easier to obtain however at this current stage we are getting better at making it as it took some growing pains to get passed in order to create it on an massive scale.
but it's difficult to know where this will bring us with all of the nonsense going on in the politics shit right now, if the politics shit wasn't going on, we would be able to get passed many things and continue on into building our future in tech, with not only automation advancements but also the battery tech.
this NWO shit needs to end if we want our society to continue existing and progressing into the future.
the bell idea was very interesting, and odd that it was exactly the same casing around where the bell was supposed to take. and the ground might have served as both an great conducting material as well as an housing unite for something similar to the bell idea. it might also be something that could keep the device quiet as dirt is also good for keeping things safe and sound underground.