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The TFM Show: 1/1/2022

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Published on 02 Jan 2022 / In People & Blogs

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kaluz55 3 years ago

Great episode!

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observer 3 years ago

Here's the thing I think about "identifying people by IQ". They shouldn't be the ruling class.... but they SHOULD be given preferential treatment in the education system. They should be fast tracked into becoming tomorrow's scientists and engineers, mathematicians, whatever. Rather than everyone getting the same K-12 system which caters to spend as much time and money educating everyone if they were all equal and as if it was tabula rasa and all students were blank slates.

The voting power and political power I agree should definitely be a function of tax contribution to the government though. Not a linear function, maybe something that looks like a logarithmic function, so maybe if you pay nothing or get more welfare than you pay in taxes, you get one voting unit, and if you pay x dollars per year in taxes, then you get perhaps ln(1+x/5000) voting units on top of that. So someone paying 8500 per year would effectively get 2 votes, someone getting 32000 per year would get you 3, 95000 a year would get you 4, 268000 a year would get you 5, etc. Then poor people aren't completely without representation as would be the case if ONLY rich people voted, but don't have the power to just vote the rich people's money into their own pockets, and of course it's balanced and not too lopsided because there are fewer rich people than poor ones. I don't know what the best function would be, that was just something off the top of my head. You want a balance between the 2 extremes of socialism where the poor oppress the rich, and feudalism, where the rich oppress the poor and I think something like that's probably the best way to do it.

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hqwebsite 3 years ago

Ideally that's is what I too want to see. Honest to goodness. Meritocracy. In reality though, the ruling class would ask; "Is he one of us?" rather than "Is he for the job?". The disgruntled geniuses ended up becoming a leftist in the ivory tower with limited funding to further their research.

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Darthtickles 3 years ago

point 1 is excellent. couldnt agree more. i still get pissed thinking about where i could be if i was allowed to advance at my own pace (or even pushed to accelerate) from a young age. in a society where a tiny fraction of people drive innovation, it makes sense that our mental olympians be given the space and resources to maximize their potential

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Darthtickles 3 years ago

@hqwebsite: the leftist takeover of tertiary education is solved by its complete privatization (no government research money or student backed loans). without a trough to feed at, all the leftist parasites would be gone tomorrow

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Darthtickles 3 years ago

point 2 is awful. ill skip all my other objections, and simply point out that it is an order of magnitude too complicated, and no one anywhere will ever do it. what you should be doing instead is maximizing the ability to privatize as many services as possible, and directly charge taxes to the beneficiaries of those remaining services that cannot be fully privatized

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hqwebsite 3 years ago

@Darthtickles: Complete privatization is near impossible for some countries (my own included). These universities were initially set up by taxpayers money and their board of directors (or senate members) will always have government representatives. The token seats. It's already gazetted in the University & University College Act.

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Darthtickles 3 years ago

@hqwebsite: madness

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hqwebsite 3 years ago

@Darthtickles: Yeah, I know. The foreign university branches are probably better but will still had fed spies.

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Toki 3 years ago

Everyone wants to dogpile on Jack Murphy. But very few will address the infidelity of his wife. Nobody wants to call out the obvious. It's not like he can stop his wife from doing whatever she wants.

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Darthtickles 3 years ago

nobody cares that hes a cuck. they care that hes just another cuckservative tough guy larper. that shit is cringe as fuck, and targets suggestible young men who should be going their own way

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Toki 3 years ago

@Darthtickles: I don't care what he is. Just another Will Smith getting owned by an American wife.

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Toki 3 years ago

"Follow me eyes"
That's why I like Illusion games TFM.
Kind of alarming for a doll though. How the H is it following? Body heat? KGB/FBI spyware? I would need to how it functions before trusting such a thing. And why waifu robots might be a bad idea.

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hqwebsite 3 years ago

Waifu robot can be as bad as the AI programming allows it to be. The company holds the code and any updates it sends is questionable. Real wife is the agent of the state. AI waifu is the agent of a corporation.

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Toki 3 years ago

@hqwebsite: I prefer harmless 2D succubi

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hqwebsite 3 years ago

Timestamp 03:09:00. Interesting history of 'Malay pirates' near Singapore. The story of 'Orang Selat/ Orang Laut' of Straits of Malacca.

Orang laut were among the first inhabitants of the coastal areas of the Strait of Malacca. The Orang Seletar were once part of the sea nomads Orang Laut that lived in boats at the sea, islands, coastal areas and estuaries. Thus, when a Malay prince Parameswara, the future ruler of the Malacca Sultanate, appeared in Malacca with his supporters, at this point there was already a small fishing village, whose population were the Orang laut. Parameswara then established ties with them by including the leaders of the Orang laut in the political hierarchy of his kingdom and through prudent marriages in the royal family itself.

Excellent knowledge of the countless islands and treacherous seas, made from the Orang laut of skilled navigators and naval commanders. Despite the fact that they were not Muslims, their people were serving in the Malay Malacca Sultanate, and later the Johor Sultanate. For example, Hang Tuah, the most famous figure in the history of Malay Admiral and a classic example of warrior-knight in Malay folklore, was among the Orang laut. For hundreds of years, the loyalty of the Orang laut to the Malay rulers of the Malacca Sultanate was a decisive factor in the preservation and prosperity of the kingdom.

The Orang laut of Malacca, or as they were called Orang Selat ("Strait people" or "People of the Straits"), were well known to the first European colonizers. Portuguese sources, in particular, refer to them as "Celates" or "Selates". A 16th century Portuguese historian, João de Barros calls them "low and vile" people prone to piracy and raiding.


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