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The TFM Show: 1/2/2021

T F Monkey
T F Monkey
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Published on 03 Jan 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Discord Username: Turd Flinging Monkey#1892

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Intro Music (TFM Show): "Fling My Turds II: Rise of Celestina”
by Red Pill Chemist

Outro Music (TFM Show): “Sweet Corn Love” by Anonymous

Intro/ Outro Music (TFM 42O): Intro/Outro Music: "A Clockwork
Monkey" by DarkStar.

Background Music (TFM Show):

Monkey Image: "Male chimpanzee in business clothes -
Stock image" by Lise Gagne. Licensed from Getty Images. Animated Newsroom
by rpancake. Licensed from Shutterstock.

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

@TFMonkey: At least Trump has complete control over the military because he can just use it to overthrow the court using military martial law and bring back the rule of law and Constitution.

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Chronoless 4 years ago

Unless people are willing to attack the media and celebrities who support and spread lies, I am only going to take care of myself like TFM and prepare to kill anyone who comes on my land.

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Darthtickles 4 years ago

same. we passed the point of talking and tolerance somewhere in the early 2010s. now the only thing i care about is keeping myself safe, and i am morally prepared to do whatever is necessary toward that end.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

unless you are part of a large no-go zone you aint doing shit, david koresh branch davidian knows all about it... guns are to protect your neighbour and your country, except in ameriicuuu where guns are to protect AGAINST your neighbout and AGAINST your country/government

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

tfm "i am have a professional with multiple degrees in finance"
also tfm: (2:16:21") "i do financial analysis,...uuh fundamentals and that other thing i forget the name...."

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

Tfm calls everybody doing better in the stock market then him "lucky"....
right... why dont you start a hedge fund (with all your finance "degrees") if you are that good.. oh wait....

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Chirin_The_Ram 4 years ago

So, Lucifer....are you really a hot blonde chick?

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@Chirin_The_Ram: I am platinum blond German/Frysian mix, (Frysian are a Germanic tribe living in Denmark, Northern Germany, Northern Netherlands).. That girl is my "template" waifu, something I want to build , bladerunner style

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

I am a man, if that wasnt obvious))

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DisruptiveTimes 4 years ago

Several things TFM got wrong about crypto:
1. There were already four bubbles, not two.
2. There are instruments that pay interest on crypto, varying from 3% to 10%, depending on the coin. Its in the context of loan brokers.
3. You can pay with crypto like you do with a normal credit card. Binance for example offer a visa debit card that directly deduct from your crypto account.
4. You can make crypto untraceable by using bitcoin mixer for example. No one can see where it goes after the mixing, so your money is gone from the radar even for the government. It cant be seized.
5. You can turn your money into bitcoin, then change it into a stablecoin that is not subjected to value swings and is tied to a fiat currency like Tether (USDT) and you basically have fiat money in a crypto format that behave like normal fiat money. There are other stablecoins that are untraceable by design and you can use them in the same way by paying with them like with a normal credit card. It involves a few more steps, but there are numerous ways you can get your money out of the system and make it invisible to the state.
6. The government might regulate bitcoin or crypto in general, but there are already a hundred different alternatives that will slip through the regulation.

And last but not least, if you look at bitcoin in a normal chart, you get the wrong picture. Thats the reason why TFM might assume there were only two bubbles. You need to look at bitcoin with a logarythmic chart, not a linear one. If you understand what you see there and get the difference between linear and logarythmic growth, you start to understand what crypto is.

I dont say bitcoin is not a bubble, in fact it is. Its the fourth bubble and we arent at the end yet. We might be half way through and some corrections will happen, but after the fourth, the halving will occur again and then we enter the fifth wave. This whole game will last until 2026 or even up to 2030 or so and if the logarythmic pattern holds (and it did since his first day), we might see bitcoin reach 100k, then 400k and maybe even 1 million (for a short time). Around that time, the crypto craze will have infected the whole economy, which will be at it knees due to the bug anyway that everyone will happily embrace financial alternatives (the dollar is dead). Remember, "the great reset" has crypto as its new financial underlying structure and the bitcoin craze will pull everyone in.

So, if you think bitcoin is just a speculative asset, you only see half the picture. If you want to invest in crypto, buy at any time and just hold it for the next couple of years, no matter what the price looks like.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

Is it really a bubble, why wasnt it a bubble at 300 USD or 3000 USD? Thats like saying "its not a tsunami" untill you get fucking burried under the wave

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