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The TFM Show: 3/18/2023

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Published on 19 Mar 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Turdpool 2 years ago

https://i.pinimg.com/originals..../c8/ee/d2/c8eed2de4a I need him in my life <3

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Turdpool 2 years ago

https://i.pinimg.com/736x/dc/b....f/69/dcbf69b2f7ce28a such big, dreamy, eyes.

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Darthtickles 2 years ago


All our contemporary ideological gridlock ultimately stems from the reluctance to let go of the concept of the soul. We want to believe that we are this distinct, autonomous spirit trapped inside an earthly vessel. This is where mysticism (conservatives), gnosticism (progressives) and all this other garbage comes from.

Strict materialism is the first step in the next great leap forward for humanity. We have the resources and the technology to meet all our needs, but we dont have the requisite perspective and knowledge to govern ourselves.

The future of humanity wont be found in physics (free energy and mars rockets), it will be found in biology (neuroscience and evolutionary theory).

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Markstrong537 2 years ago

I like all your inputs after every show. Keep it up

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Crunshy Numbers
Crunshy Numbers 2 years ago

We humans still have a lot to learn as we are currently mostly driven by consumption and greed. Our society has not matured enough to make the next leap forward, but is rather regressive....all comes and goes in waves and being reborn again. Physics is only one aspect solving one problem, biology is other field that we need to explore way more and we still have to learn a lot from millions of years of evolution. Nature tries out now things all the time and adapts to input...finding a way. May field we are exploring right now are driven by corpo greed, exploitation and killing each other. I am not a tree hugger but I know that we are as a people not on the right track.

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Darthtickles 2 years ago


There are all kinds of useful things women can do after early child rearing. Moreover, these areas will naturally be tailored toward women exclusively, instead of us needing to put rubber walls up in the rest of the economy so that women can larp as men.

Still going to need nurses, still going to need pre high school teachers, still going to need women for all kinds of shit that men dont want to do. Most people dont start their career until 25 or 30 anyway because we waste so much time in extended high school now.

Again, these are incredibly obvious and simple solutions that will be better for everyone, especially women. Men just need to have the strength to tell women this is how its going to be.

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