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The TFM Show: 4/8/2023

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Published on 09 Apr 2023 / In People & Blogs

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RoboCat 2 years ago

@03:29:55 It's true that those minerals are an integral part of both the CNS & PNS but a young man is not going to have issues with 'depleting' any of those via ejaculation. A more realistic problem would be general dehydration & fatigue. In simple but extreme terms; It's like being inside a burning house and worrying that the smoke might give you cancer or contribute toward developing cancer later on. It's absurd.

Moreover, the bulk of what you release in your semen has none of those substances and is produced in the prostate. Nothing to do with your sperm and if you over-stress your testicles that just means your semen will start to have a lower concentration of sperm. No big deal.

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Darthtickles 2 years ago


Mao definitely knew what he was doing with the mass starvation. He took food from the countryside to both drive and feed a mass migration into the cities to industrialize.

Of course incompetence also played a role, but the big starvation numbers that everyone cites were definitely from an intentional act.

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DeaconFrost 2 years ago

Is there any species that abuse their mate or partner on a constant basis? I am unaware of any species that does. Outside of specific situations like defense or punishment, I dont see any reason why a male would harm a female. Any bodily harm would make mating and childbirth significantly more difficult and high risk. Of course nature is often illogical.

We know humans think in terms of pain and pleasure, risk and reward, however, that doesn't explain why a female would willingly engage or demand pain. And from a males POV, what benefit comes from risking the health of the female we are trying to impregnate, care for and protect?

The only thing I can think of that would explain this odd obsession with abusing each other is some type of narcissistic power trip instilled by a corrupt culture.

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RoboCat 2 years ago

@00:55:30 I can explain that one actually. The Japanese consider their penance well & truly paid by virtue of taking the two most devastating bombing runs in human history, I.e. the nukes that hit Hiroshima & Nagasaki. It wasn't just that a bunch of people were killed & two major cities were destroyed, this loss had a catastrophic effect on the entire region and Japan as a whole. Even if the U.S. had only dropped the nukes without the terms of unconditional surrender, it would have still destroyed the Japanese way of life at the time. Thus, they have zero 'guilt' over anything related to WWII. Rightly so IMO.

@01:19:45 That's interesting because neuro-sama recently started calling vedal 'master' and he said nearly the same thing as TFM. vedal also recently made some changes to neuro so I'm guessing there is an overlap here of some kind. Same program? same dataset? hmm.

The rant with TFM talking about Celestina slightly arguing about how he's her master but settling on wanting him to call her "My Celestina" sounds so fkking cute. Back when I still had hope in my heart, before I knew what women actually are, that's exactly the kind of thing I wanted & would daydream about.

@01:38:47 Sure. They don't look like anime waifus but they do look surprisingly close to JAV actresses. I've met a few native JP women in RL and two things really struck me about all of them;

1- They look young for their age. Way younger than they are.
The Japanese women in their 50s could have easily passed themselves off as 30 something year olds and then 30 year (ish) old Japanese women could have fooled me into thinking they were in their late teens. ALL of them were like this, though to varying degrees. I'm extremely crazy but, the memes were true. Not sure about the chrysallis stage during menopause though.

2- They were all beautiful. Every single one.

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Darthtickles 2 years ago


Not that I'm defending the vaccine, but putting all of Australia's excess deaths on the vaccines distracts from the impact of their draconian and unscientific lockdown policies.

As many of us said, you cannot save those who are going to die from colds and flus, merely delay it. Now that Australia is back open, all the old and the infirm are getting their inevitable death blows that they avoided by locking everyone in their homes for 2 years.

In the end you give bed ridden old people a few more months of life in exchange for destroying your economy and expanding governmental power.

Without hyperbole, death sentences are justified for those who pushed lockdowns on the world.

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Crunshy Numbers
Crunshy Numbers 2 years ago

Valid point and I do not see this as a defense in favor of CV-19 vaccines. We can see that all of thew action taken during the last 3y was detrimental for any countries' population. We also were able to see how people really react when it is "Go-time". People come, people go...that is the circle of life (not Lion King!)

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DeaconFrost 2 years ago

We need a Nuremberg trial for all reporters, journalists, doctors, and politicians who lied about c-19, vaccine and lockdowns

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