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The TFM Show: 4/9/2022

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Published on 10 Apr 2022 / In People & Blogs

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TFM: Communism is bad. Everyone on the left is a communist.
TFM: China is fascist not communist.
TFM: Concentration camps in China are good.
TFM: There are nazis in Ukraine. Zelensky is US puppet.
TFM: Russia is absolutist (neither fascist nor Communist)
Pavel Grudinin Communist Party 8,659,206 11.90%
Maxim Suraykin Communists of Russia 499,342 0.69%
TFM: US got its ass kicked in Afghanistan.
TFM: Russia is kicking ass in Ukraine.

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TFM: I will move to Florida because Russia might nuke Alaska. Florida is safe from Russian nukes.

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TFM: Change your drivers license from male to female. I never did it nor know anyone who did it, but trust me, it will work well for you.

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TFM: Stop giving weapons to Ukraine because Biden will send you to Ukraine to die and because Russia or China might nuke you, except if you live in Florida because DeSantis is a bad ass mofo.

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TFM: Neutralizing Russia is wrong. Neutralizing China is wrong. Do not try because you will die. Do not start a revolution like Ukraine did in 2014. Only fight the US government, not the Russian government or Chinese government because you will die. Find your penis and start fighting the US government. No one in Russia or China is funding me. Forget that subscribestar is in Russia and my sex toys/dolls are made in China.

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Porky 3 years ago

Yeah. Its ok to surrender and be Putin's slave guys. Yes, russians live on 300$ per month with zero freedom and we will too, most likeyly, but at least he doesnt enforce feminism (he is lol)

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@mgtow_user551: Both Ukraine and Russia have high divorce rates and low birth rates. The main difference between east and west europe is gays have less rights in east europe which absolutely does not benefit straight men at all and certainly will not cause gay men to want to marry women.

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Russia has a higher birth rate than Ukraine because Russia has a huge muslim population. Eventually, white/asian Russians will go extinct. Moscow will eventually become a muslim city.

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Porky 3 years ago

@Russians_are_from_Mongolia: Ukraine actually could have an increase in birth rate in the future. It very likely will be like Israel - country which always ready for war, a lot of guns, unanimous military service. Good place for christian fundamentalist communities to establish itself.

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@mgtow_user551: No society can have a high birth rate without patriarchy. Lots of dead Ukrainians and dead Russians will cause a shortage of men, but not cause patriarchy. When women and her children become legal property of the husband, then birth rates will rise.

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Porky 3 years ago

@Russians_are_from_Mongolia: You are wrong. It was a drastic increase of birth rate in Soviet Union after WWII. And Soviet Union hated the very idea of family as a property of a man, but not the state - but men still owned their families de facto simply because of their shortage.

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@mgtow_user551: You are wrong. Data shows a steady decline in birth rate in Russia after 1945. A shortage of men does not prevent divorce. The amish have no shortage of men or women, and extremely high birth rates because Amish women are strictly controlled by their families. https://www.macrotrends.net/co....untries/RUS/russia/b

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Darthtickles 3 years ago




at least the poor ukranians can sign a cease fire now that its time to pivot to blm domestic terrorism before the midterms

lmfao i knew the random police violence videos would start surfacing as soon as it got warm

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Turdpool 3 years ago


I fucking nutted.

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tyuuhb 3 years ago

The so world-widely well-known and famous USA Government's final and official report about IJA( Imperial Japan's Army) in the WW2 named " THE IWG REPORT " that was publicly issued in USA in 2007 wasting so huge amount of USA Tax money(30 million US Dollars) and 8 years and 7 million historic documents due to strong requests from the Communist Hans, Hans from Communist China and the Korean(South & North) living in USA concluded finally and officially in the world USA Government could not find so called war crimes of IJA in the WW2 as Han descendant members of " the Global Alliance for Preserving the History of World War II in Asia "(GAPH, that is mainly organized by Han descendants in USA from Communist China) propagandize not only in North America but also in the world. USA government could not agree with propagandas of "GAPH" in spite of many historic propagandas and fictions by Communist Hans, Hans from Communist China and and the Korean(South & North) descendants not only in USA/Canada but also in Australia/Germany/France/Communist China 2 Koreas ( South & North),Japan and other nations in the world with no real ,concrete and justifiable historic evidences and proofs.

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tyuuhb 3 years ago

Don't Judge What happened at WW2 after just listening to CCP propaganda. Listen to the Japanese side of the story as well. Or the US side of the story the "IWG report".

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