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The TFM Show: 5/27/2023

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Published on 28 May 2023 / In People & Blogs

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atomic 2 years ago

Low IQ amongst Australian aboriginals is more about environmental rather than genetic factors. A large brain requires a lot of calories and in the low calorie environment of pre industrial Australia having high IQ would have been not just been unnecessary, but disadvantageous.
Tibetans and Melanesians actually carry same 3 - 5% denisovian genes, (not 6%) as Australian aboriginals, but have higher IQ’s due to the different environment.

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

Translation: "lets make up bullshit"

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faxohem 1 year ago

Niggers have lived in USA for 350 years and they didn't improve, LOL.

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Lucifer333 1 year ago

@faxohem: USA negros were doing quite well in the 1950's with an average IQ of 96 (and rising) and "only" a 20% single motherhood rate, then the jews promoted feminism and funded single mother-hood . Within 10 years the average IQ dropped to 87 and well, there is no community to speak off.

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faxohem 1 year ago

@Lucifer333: Every negro benefits from apartheid.

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Lucifer333 1 year ago

@faxohem: LOL, what destroyed the US negro community, was jews empowering black women, not "lack of apartheid", .. You are generally right though, the Tulsa race riot was started by a white women falsly accusing a black man of rape (he was acquitted in 1933 after the riots) so yes if apartheid means white racist not living next o blacks to accuse them of rape, and burning their affluent bizz down then I agree with you

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faxohem 1 year ago

@Lucifer333: according to you, africa is a shithole since the dawn of time because of women empowerment.

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faxohem 1 year ago

altough low iq and women empowerment aren't mutually exclusive

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Kamek25 2 years ago

I wonder what the new MMM cope will be now that its June. Love watching my savings disintegrate.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

Love the avatar.

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chicken_on_a_raft 2 years ago

It’s hilarious that he curates his superchats now. We all know why.

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Kamek25 2 years ago

I liked that he was telling his subscribers to dump their paychecks into ng even though he was holding off to “pay taxes.” Then once tax day past he said he didnt have any money leftover to buy more ng.

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Lady Dimis Husbando
Lady Dimis Husbando 2 years ago

@Kamek25: Now he says he "has enough commodities" and is holding cash after screaming, "What else are you gonna buy? Bond and cash????" at anyone who dares question him on commodities... If someone truly believed that commodities were the best investment one could possibly make in this economy, what the honest to god damn fuck do you mean you "have enough commodities"? Oil and gas are on a hot hot sale right now and you're holding cash because you "have enough"?? What a fucking liar. I've started reading books from actual investors with a proven track record of making money. I've had enough of this molatto who apparently knows sooooo much and has been doing this for sooooo long, and yet says he doesn't even have a million dollars yet and can't afford to move out of Cali

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@Lady Dimis Husbando: Who were the idiots who thought TFM could actually move to Singpaore (that city state is even more expensive then Switzerland, at least Switzerland can grow its own food and has hydroelectric power, Singapore needs to import EVERYTHING)

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atomic 2 years ago

The downside of insomnia is a shorter lifespan. If you sleep only 4 - 6 hours per night you’re deducting approximately 2 - 4 hours per day off the end of what would have been your allotted years.
If you think the end of the world is nigh, then I guess your actually maximising your time, but otherwise the old maxim about ‘burning the candle at both ends holds true’.

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RoboCat 2 years ago

@00:52:20 That was exactly like the old commercial. TFM-sei's still got it.

@00:54:15 ..... yet AMLO the socialist still refused to join BRICS despite the BRICS alliance practically beginning Mexico to join them. Pinche AMLO. Pinche MORENA. Pinches izquierdistas. PINCHE AMLO.

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Darthtickles 2 years ago


This is a pretty common cope about nuclear war:

"they'll never do it"

"it wouldnt be that bad"

"if they nuke us, they know we'd nuke them back"


The fact that the human race has been teetering on the brink of mass extinction for half a century cant be processed by people whose biggest concern is Taylor Swift ticket prices, so they invent some nonsense to make it more palatable.

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