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The TFM Show: 5/7/2022

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Published on 08 May 2022 / In People & Blogs

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Shaikan 3 years ago

Damn, this show was on fire, especially the second half. Finally some MGTOW stuff. What a breath of fresh air from all the Ukraine and Russia bullshit, event though it did come up here and there.

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Darthtickles 3 years ago


or simply dont waste a bunch of time moralizing your past decisions

all that matters is outcomes. use the outcomes from past decisions to shape your future decisions with the aim of better outcomes

this need to atone or cleanse your soul/conscience is just untermensch bullshit. quit bleating and move on with your life. do better next time

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Most people can not accurately predict the future. Morals/principles are paramount because most people have limited knowledge/intelligence, or even worse, have incorrect info and irrational thoughts. TFM says he would invade Taiwan if he were CCP. TFM is a perfect example of someone with few morals, little knowledge about invading Taiwan, yet is confident the invasion will be a success. "Only outcomes matter" is why Putin invaded Ukraine and why Putin will lose in Ukraine.

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Just to clarify. What is the difference between a left-wing society and a right-wing society? A left-wing society prioritizes their agendas (particular outcomes/end_results). A right-wing society prioritizes rules (law/order/principles/morals). Ironically, a right-wing society always achieves better long-term outcomes/end_results than a left-wing society. The reason is simple. All left-wing societies eventually devolve into crime, chaos, violence, destruction ("the ends justify the means"). A right-wing society does not guarantee any particular outcome/end_result, but merely makes it possible to achieve desired outcomes, which may or may not happen. There is one situation in which a left-wing society is better than a right-wing society. Namely, when short-term outcomes/results are more important than long-term outcomes/results, such as in war.

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Know_One = Darthtickles = same moron troll on different accounts.

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Darthtickles 3 years ago

@Know_One: this guy is a paranoid schizophrenic. i just ignore him now. the price you pay for light forum moderation

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TFM. You say war is coming, you say civilization is collapsing, you say millions/billions will die.
If you believe what you say, then the TFM show is the least of your concerns.
Stop fucking dolls. Stop pushing sponsors. Take your own advice. Get the fuck out while you still can.
Do not be like coach red pill. Do not go down with the ship. Shut your mouth and get your ass moving.

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5-year plan = (1) Loser with excuses or (2) Liar. Stop lying to yourself. Stop being a loser.

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Know_One = Darthtickles = same moron troll on different accounts.

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@Know_One: Never go full Russtard, Russtard.

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@Know_One: Shut the fuck up, Russki. https://www.youtube.com/result....s?search_query=russi

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@Know_One: Go suck Putin's dick, Russki.

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@Know_One: Only a moron would believe anything you say. I hope your boss fires you after he reads your stupid comments.

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@Know_One: Fuck off with your stupid copy/paste Russtard bullshit.

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@Know_One: I am not a stupid fucking Russtard. Your bullshit does not work on me.

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@Know_One: Send Putin a dick massage, you gay faggot motherfucking troll.

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@Know_One: Send your dick massages to Putin, not to me.

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@Know_One: I heard Putin enjoys gay anal sex. Go fuck Putin.

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@Know_One: Only a Russian troll would try so hard to prove he is not a Russian troll.

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@Know_One: Fuck off with your stupid copy/paste chatbox bullshit.

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Darthtickles 3 years ago


as a general comment about loneliness, ignoring feminism and all this other crap:

most people are fucking miserable bastards who spend all their time making everyone around them miserable too. as a simple matter of numbers, happy people are generally going to be more alone. maybe you find a few friends or family members who are cool or you strike the lottery with a cool partner, but for the vast majority of people happiness and loneliness are going to be tightly bound throughout your life

learning to walk the fuck away from garbage people is essential to leading a happy life. that implicitly involves loneliness, not companionship

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