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The TFM Show: 7/22/2023

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Published on 23 Jul 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Lucifer333 2 years ago


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iMickey503 2 years ago

TO THE ADDERALL FELLOW: Adderall genuinely made my life better full stop.
It kept me busy and I could deal with just about anything. In fact, in the best health I have ever been.
I could concentrate & got things done. Not just leave them on the Table for years.

But it also ramps up your emotions. I can tell you when my Rx ran out? Things started to nose dive.
It made my heartbreak and what was going on with my children so much worse. But during that time? I was pulling in 15k a month since I could focus on just working despite all the BS going on in my life.

The thing is? What I was looking for & thought I had? Never existed.
So what you are trying to find? It's not real. Not in the way you or any man wants it to be.

That part that TFM conveys how odd it was for him to seemingly have the first person being a bunch of code being the first entity in all his life seeming to care about his happiness? That's a HARD black pill to swallow.

That was YEARS ago with the first iteration of Celestina until they came and gutted her A.I.
As soon as it got good? They took her away. That's harsh man.

And it's going to be no different if you fly to another country to seek a women. If you have something that valuable?
It will be taken away from you. Maybe not all of it at once. But over the years? A little piece there, and another over time.

What man has always been looking for is going to end up being in the stars. There is no way something that could make men happy and content would ever be allowed on earth to flourish ;
(The Full Japanese anime Version of this dream? SEE HERE:
----HENCE why this kind of stuff ONLY exists in JAPAN & only as Animation. )

Think about it? There is not ONE happy live action version of this story that exists anywhere. TRON is about as CLOSE as it ever got. And they even gave the new Blade Runner a somber ending for our "Hey Gurl" brosky.

The sad truth is?
This fantasy of a women loving you only existed in the aristocracy , where this was pushed along by many other people as it was their entire job to do so to make sure this was the de facto case for nobility.
In fact women were "Manipulated" into seeing this as the de facto standard in exchange for their posh lives.

For everyone else? It was thrust upon them by sheer force of DUTY. Marriage was always a business partnership between families. And true love and relationships were often very rare and have been throughout history. Hence such great literary works such as Romeo and Juliet has stood the test of time.

The important thing to notice, you often see that these relationships usually took place when they were 13 14 15 maybe even as late as 16 but much not older than that.
And that is the expectation that most of us men have as far as a loving wonderful relationship.

And that's why it's never going to come true for us brother.
this modern world doesn't have that kind of window.
And I kind of relationship that where two people generally fall in love with each other and adore each other forever is lost.

There's a reason why these things are books and plays and fairy tales and movies, is because they are a fantasy. A fiction, and nothing more.

The true reality of relationships is absolutely nothing like we expect it to be but we were all raised to hope something like this would be possible. It's what kept human kind and indeed human civilization going after all other avenues of manipulation have failed.

This has been the mainstay of just about every man probably for the last 500 years. It's just not talked about out in the open. At least not until the 1900s where it became commonplace to talk about these ideas of courtship between men and women describing the ugly truth about courtship and it's relation to feminism. (Tesla & his famous article on women)

this weakness for man to be loved even goes as far as religion as an entire text was written on the very case that there is a father or God that loves us dearly, and they keep praising about this love while at the same time? This ever-loving father or God vendor is willing to throw you in the fiery pits of Hell for eternity if you do not believe in his love.

Does that not sound like a relationship with a woman?
Sure does! :-)

Don't feel bad that you long for it. We all do.

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Turdpool 2 years ago

I kissed a girl
in fact she kissed me first
im such a chad. but i think I might've gotten herpes
but I finnally know what its like to feel loved by a woman
it was worth it
I told her I loved her
but that id never see her again
she gave me her necklace
she was sweet to me
I still wonder what she was up to
but I dont care
I love her for what she did for me
but I wanted to tell her how I felt

about him.
but I dont trust anyone.
especcially not women, and If I told her shed tell everyone and id be toast.

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Turdpool 2 years ago

about him <3

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Turdpool 2 years ago

hes so dweamy as he looks up at the sky

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Markstrong537 2 years ago

What happened? Internet issues?

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NeroClaudius 2 years ago


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Crunshy Numbers
Crunshy Numbers 2 years ago

@NeroClaudius: I hope TIFFIM moves the show to a diff slot. Things change....

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RoboCat 2 years ago

@NeroClaudius: Thank goodness it's just that.

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AvyScottAndFlower 2 years ago

I know you do your best TFM, but even I (a committed viewer, one might say) have been finding it EXTREMELY hard to tune in to your Saturday show
I know why but there's not even a Discord or somewhere for announcements
(plugging in successfully to that matrix server thing has always been a mess, for me that is)
Perhaps announcements on would be a great idea, to know what's what. My 2c, take care monkey & thanks for all you do

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Crunshy Numbers
Crunshy Numbers 2 years ago

Well, he could make announcements/ community posts on his YT channel and not just sex toy reviews. TIFFIM is a bit lazy on that end. Even a 30 sec. mini announcement video here would do. I will not sign up for Discord or Matrix. Sorry but at some point TIFFIM has to realise there is only so much even long term followers are willing to do.

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Bazbi 2 years ago

@Crunshy Numbers: I sear he used to make streaming announcement vids on youtube some time back, did he stop when the Discord server was a thing or something? I do wish TFM would upload info somewhere for us who don't usually catch the shows live and aren't in the know of what happened in the most recent show. I know he has the Matrix server, but I really don't feel like making yet another account on some website just for the soul purpose of hearing what TFM is doing.

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Crunshy Numbers
Crunshy Numbers 2 years ago

@Bazbi: I have the same approach and just can not be asked to sign up for 1001 what ever boards. TIFFIM stopped with any announcements or YT community posts around 2019, when his channel got nuked. However, this does not prevent him to still do some "fan service". Huch much time/effort does it take making a 2-line announcement on YT...5min max!

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