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The TFM Show: 9/4/2021

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Published on 05 Sep 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Main YouTube Channel (TFM): https://www.youtube.com/c/turdflingingmonkey
Doctor Dollhouse (doll-centric Alternate YouTube Channel): https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCSr_ftl4CSPWa00Ho
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Want to be a guest? Email Aeroshogun at aeroshogun@gmail.com

Sponsor Links: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sponsor-15531523

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Chronoless 3 years ago

lol thats funny TFM

The Taiban took woman's rights alway and their still on Twitter, but TFM is kick off for suggesting it.

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Penisy 3 years ago

I'm listening to Turd Flinging Monkey | The TFM Show: 9/4/2021 on Podbean, check it out! https://www.podbean.com/ea/dir-h9b79-fd93927

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TFM: The reason most leftists don't want true communism is because they are socialists not communists.
Most leftists want government to take care of them and do their bidding. Most leftists want someone else to do the difficult, dangerous, and tiring work. Only die-hard ideologues (such as Marx and other crazies) believe in no police, no government, no money. Keep in mind. Marx's 10 planks is actually socialism not communism. Marx thought big government socialism was a necessary step towards communism because communists would be defeated without police and without military. Marx never explained how to transition from socialism to communism (for obvious reasons - because it is impossible). When people say "marxism", they usually mean the 10 socialist planks in the communist manifesto. Marxism is actually big-government socialism with no realistic way to transition to communism. As you said, true communism is basically how families operate. There is no formal/official/organized government within a family. There is no for-profit capitalism within a family.

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observer 3 years ago

Marx didn't want no police and no government, he wanted an overpoweringly strong government. Communism is the opposite of anarchy. The biggest anarchists around are staunch libertarians.

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Marx wanted no nations and no politics. I think government (including police and military) is impossible without nations and without politics (no political parties).

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https://www.marxists.org/archi....ve/marx/works/1848/c "The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality." "When, in the course of development, class distinctions have disappeared, and all production has been concentrated in the hands of a vast association of the whole nation, the public power will lose its political character. Political power, properly so called, is merely the organised power of one class for oppressing another"

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"Marxism", as most people know it, has very little to do with communism. Actual communism is no nations, no borders, no official governments which means no official police and no official military. Everyone is the government. Everyone are the police and military. Under actual communism, we all have equal political power. No one has more political power than anyone else. The 10 planks in the Communist manifesto is actually socialism. Marx thought it was necessary to implement socialism first and transition to communism later. But history shows that socialism often ends in a totalitarian dictatorship and never ends in actual communism.

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tgfhjuyhgvbyt 3 years ago

this was hands down the best show ive watched this year. topics were great, no one sandbagged a conversation and everyone had something of substance to say who spoke. wish every stream could be as great as this one.

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Darthtickles 3 years ago

the new question structure definitely makes for a better show

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Darthtickles 3 years ago


energy based currency makes the most sense, especially as the world transitions to renewables which means a lot more storage and transmission to compensate for up/down times in generation

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