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The TFM Show: June 29th, 2024

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Published on 30 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

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We agree with taking women's rights away. And we are ready when you are.

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myopinion 1 day ago

NOTE: .... I USED CAPS, so you can speed read & get the gist (or summary version ) . . . . . . . . ALL THE PROOF, OR RECEIPTS ARE IN THE FOOTNOTES ( at the end ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . The following is from the F.F.R.F. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- ---- ----- ---- - - -> THE FOUNDING FATHERS WERE NOT CHRISTIANS by Steven Morris .................... .... . . . (March 1996)
THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT IS TRYING TO REWRITE the HISTORY of the United States, AS part of their campaign TO FORCE THEIR RELIGION ON OTHERS who ask merely to be left alone. ACCORDING TO THIS ORWELLIAN REVISION, THE FOUNDING FATHERS of this country WERE PIOUS Christians WHO WANTED the United States to be a Christian nation, with LAWS THAT FAVORED CHRISTIANS AND CHRISTIANITY.

NOT TRUE ! The early PRESIDENTS and PATRIOTS WERE GENERALLY DEISTS or UNITARIANS, believing in some form of impersonal Providence but REJECTING the divinity of JESUS and the ABSURDITIES of the Old and New TESTAMENTS.

THOMAS PAINE, pamphleteer whose manifestoes encouraged the faltering spirits of the country and aided materially in winning the War of Independence: “I DO NOT BELIEVE in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by ANY CHURCH that I know of . . . Each of those churches accuse the other of unbelief; and for my own part, I DISBELIEVE THEM ALL.” [1]Buy Andrew L. Seidel The Founding Myth

GEORGE WASHINGTON, FIRST PRESIDENT: He seems to have had the characteristic UNCONCERN of the 18th century Deist for the forms and creeds OF INSTITUTIONAL RELIGION. Although he often referred to Providence as an impersonal force, remote and abstract, HE NEVER DECLARED HIMSELF to be A CHRISTIAN according to contemporary reports or in any of his voluminous correspondence. WASHINGTON CHAMPIONED the cause of FREEDOM FROM RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE AND COMPULSION. When John Murray (a Universalist who DENIED the existence of HELL) was invited to become an army chaplain, the other CHAPLAINS PETITIONED for his DISMISSAL. INSTEAD, WASHINGTON GAVE HIM THE APPOINTMENT. ON HIS DEATHBED, WASHINGTON UTTERED NO WORDS OF a RELIGIOUS NATURE and DID NOT CALL FOR A CLERGYMAN to be in attendance. [2]

JOHN ADAMS SECOND PRESIDENT: Drawn to the study of law but facing pressure from his father to become a clergyman, HE WROTE that HE FOUND among the LAWYERS “a NOBLE air and gallant achievements” BUT AMONG the CLERGY, the “PRETENDED SANCTITY OF some ABSOLUTE DUNCES.” [3] Late in life, HE WROTE, “As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation. But HOW HAS IT happened that millions of fables, tales, legends have BEEN blended WITH both Jewish and Christian REVELATION THAT have made them THE MOST BLOODY RELIGION that EVER EXISTED ?” [4]

It was DURING ADAMS' PRESIDENCY that the SENATE RATIFIED the Treaty of Peace and Friendship, which states in Article XI that “the Government of the United States of AMERICA IS NOT in any sense FOUNDED ON the CHRISTIAN RELIGION.” This treaty with Tripoli was written and concluded by Joel Barlow during Washington’s administration. [2]

THOMAS JEFFERSON, THIRD PRESIDENT and AUTHOR of the DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE: “I TRUST that THERE IS NOT A young MAN now living in the United States who will NOT die an UNITARIAN.” [5] HE REFERRED to the REVELATION OF ST. JOHN as “THE RAVINGS OF A MANIAC” [6] and wrote, “The Christian priesthood, finding the doctrines of Christ levelled to every understanding and too plain to need explanation, saw, in the mysticisms of Plato, materials with which they might build up an artificial system which might, from its indistinctness, admit everlasting controversy, give employment for their order, and introduce it to profit, power and preeminence. THE DOCTRINES which flowed from the lips OF JESUS himself ARE WITHIN THE COMPERHENSION OF A CHILD; but THOUSANDS OF VOLUMES HAVE NOT yet EXPLAINED the PLATONISMS engrafted on them: AND FOR THIS OBVIOUS REASON THAT NONSENSE CAN NEVER BE EXPLAINED.” [7]


ETHAN ALLEN, whose capture of Fort Ticonderoga while commanding the Green Mountain boys helped inspire Congress and the country to pursue the War of Independence: “That JESUS CHRIST WAS NOT GOD IS EVIDENT FROM HIS OWN WORDS.” In the same book, ALLEN NOTED that HE WAS generally “DENOMINATED A DEIST, the reality of which I NEVER DISPUTED, being conscious I AM NO CHRISTIAN.” [10] When Allen married Fanny Buchanan, HE STOPPED HIS OWN WEDDING ceremony WHEN THE JUDGE ASKED HIM if he promised “TO LIVE with Fanny Buchanan AGREEABLE TO the laws of GOD.” ALLEN REFUSED TO ANSWER UNTIL the Judge agreed that the GOD REFERRED TO was the GOD OF NATURE, and the laws those “written in the great book of Nature.” [11]

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, DELEGATE to the CONTINENTAL CONGRESS and the CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION: “As to JESUS OF NAZARETH, my Opinion of whom you particularly desire, I THINK the System of MORALS AND his RELIGION . . . HAS RECEIVED various CORRUPTING CHANGES, and I HAVE, WITH MOST OF THE PRESENT DISSENTERS IN ENGLAND, SOME DOUBTS AS TO HIS DIVINITY; tho’ it is a question I do not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and think it needless to busy myself with it now, when I expect soon an Opportunity of knowing the Truth with less Trouble.” [12] He died a month later, and HISTORIANS CONSIDER HIM, like so many great Americans of his time, as A DEIST, NOT A CHRISTIAN.

This article originally appeared in the Los Angeles Times. >>>> >>>>>> >>>>> > > > ( SIDE NOTE: ...... The word god, WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE PLEDGE or on OUR MONEY. ..... CLICK HERE TO HEAR THE ORIGINAL PLEDGE.) ------> https://youtu.be/VA0A0ymd0CM . . . NOTICE NO GOD, on the original bill.. . . https://ffrf.org/uploads/timel....y/igwt_dollarbills.j ....... YET, more proof, of the CULT, pushing their narrow views, on EVERYONE else. The "god" of their bible, is the sickest S#!T imaginable. ....... Don't believe me ? Watch this ----> https://youtu.be/WrfWs52Kjk0
. . .The Atheist Experience airs Sundays at 4:30pm Austin time. Call the show! 512-991-9242 https://media.giphy.com/media/....QxqlEW1H76J9KmItBK/g --> https://youtu.be/uE0gZW5iTMM ---> https://youtu.be/G4VRnXPDuXs
The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine, p. 8, 9 (republished 1984, Prometheus Books, Buffalo NY)
George Washington and Religion by Paul F. Boller Jr., p. 16, 87, 88, 108, 113, 121, 127 (1963, Southern Methodist University Press, Dallas TX)
The Character of John Adams by Peter Shaw, p. 17 (1976, North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill NC) quoting letter by J.A. to Charles Cushing Oct. 19, 1756
The Great Quotations, ed. by George Seldes, (Citadel Press) quoting letter by J.A. to F.A. Van der Kamp Dec. 27, 1816
Thomas Jefferson, Passionate Pilgrim by Alf Mapp Jr., p. 311 (1991, Madison Books, Lanham MD) quoting letter by T.J. to Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse June 26, 1811
Thomas Jefferson, An Intimate History by Fawn M. Brodie, p. 453 (1974, W. W. Norton & Co. Inc., New York NY) quoting letter by T.J. to Alexander Smyth Jan. 17, 1825
Thomas Jefferson, Passionate Pilgrim by Alf Mapp Jr., p. 246, quoting letter by T.J. to John Adams July 5, 1814
The Madisons by Virginia Moore, p. 43 (1979, McGraw-Hill Co., New York NY) quoting letter by J.M. to William Bradford April 1, 1774
James Madison, A Biography in His Own Words, p. 93 quoting Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments by J.M. June 1785.
Religion of the American Enlightenment by G. Adolf Koch, p. 40 (1968, Thomas Crowell Co., New York NY) quoting preface and p. 352 of Reason, the Only Oracle of Man by Ethan Allen 1784
Sense of History compiled by American Heritage Press Inc., p. 103 (1985, American Heritage Press Inc., New York NY)
Benjamin Franklin, A Biography in His Own Words, edited by Thomas Fleming, p. 404 (1972, Newsweek, New York NY) quoting letter by B.F. to Ezra Stiles March 9, 1790

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Lucifer333 4 hours ago

bruh, no fuckin way I am reading that, just the highlights bruh

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theprottkp 1 day ago

Transcript for this show and more. Will update monthly

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Darthtickles 1 day ago

Pretty funny when absolutists cherry-pick examples from history, and even those examples were littered with civil wars, collapses, revolutions and so on.

Pre-industrial history is just one giant game of king of the hill, with centers of power constantly shifting.

Monarchists etc are another avenue of fantasist escapism, instead of doing the hard work of dealing with the world as it is.

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RoboCat 2 days ago

@02:48:35 Several nations in LATAM helped fight the Japanese during WWII. However, Japan is extremely beloved across most, if not all of LATAM. I would even say a lot of people have a stronger sense of loyalty & devotion to Japan than to their home nation. Yes, it's the anime, manga & video games but these things go a long way here. There are generations of men that grew up with them and value them greatly along with those that produce them.

I exchanged some comments with a guy from south korea about this. He believed everyone despised the Japanese. I told him how Japan was very beloved across LATAM and he became very upset. Basically south korean guys are fkking clowns and not worth taking seriously. What has south korea ever done or given the world? kpop & kdramas? what a joke. Fkk 'em.

@05:06:50 That's also why U.S. coca cola tastes awful. If any of you ever travel to Mexico or almost anywhere in LATAM, buy coca cola but especially in a glass bottle. It tastes way better than the U.S. version of the drink.

@05:20:20 This is mostly unknown to outsiders but, the narcos in Mexico have connections all over the world but especially in the middle east for some reason. Not just one or two groups, most of them have connections in the middle east though I really don't know why this is. When the time comes, it would be extremely easy for the narcos to organize with a U.S. rebellion in order to transport equipment from the middle east into Mexico and then from Mexico into the U.S. ..... it's a half-joke here in Mexico but the narcos, nearly every group, have the best logistics in the world and as long as they are compensated they would 100% do exactly this kind of thing np.

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