The TFM Show: March 15th, 2025
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Cooked with cast iron today. I put chicken legs, onions, mushrooms, and butter in the skillet. Baked that stuff and it came out great.
@02:28:30 Pretty sure JD Vance is an older millennial, not Gen X
@00:01:22- Welcome everyone, sponsor shilling
@00:04:35- Identity 5 is on screen, Tfm wants to talk about something, why games stopped being fun
@00:37:48- Not much to talk about geopolitically
@00:58:59- Kursk offensive is over, Russia will not throw Iran under the bus
@01:02:19- Russia is not budging, Russia is going to keep the land they took
@01:03:22- This is the first time in history that the loser is dictating terms to the winner, Russia is bidding their time, Putin is popular, Trump is trying to get Russia to throw Iran under the bus
@01:06:50- Tfm has his hunches, Western Banks, Jews can’t offer anything to Russia that can’t be offered from BRICS
@01:13:00- The Houthis started bombing again
@01:14:56- As far as the markets
@01:18:26- Inflation numbers for February were below expectations, America is an energy exporter and importer, tariffs start next month
@01:19:47- Tfm thought Trump would use tariffs smartly, if tariffs happen too quickly it’ll just raise the prices
@01:27:24- Why we treat China like an enemy, America is starting the wars
@01:35:26- BRICS has a parallel system, We don’t know how much oil China is buying
@01:38:36- The Houthis a terrorist group
@01:45:37- Before 2022, Nobody wanted a war with the west
@01:48:38- Two things Tfm was worried about
@01:50:56- Tell tale sign, The dollar is falling
@01:54:13- Gold is 3k an ounce and silver is over 30 dollars an ounce
@01:55:51- China used to buy a lot of real estate and bonds
@01:59:56- Chinese economy does have a lot of central planning
@02:07:27- Most of your taxes should go to the local government, the federal government should only be in charge of a few things
@02:08:22- Political Trichotomy, people who are dependent value equality, people who have power and want to keep value absolutism and stability, and people who aren’t dependent and don’t have power want to be left alone
@02:18:24- The US will Balkanize, There’s nothing holding America together, the only things holding this country
@02:23:19- Will China Balkanize?
@02:33:20- Where Tfm parts ways with other libertarians
@02:36:01- Only a large central authority can oppose the regime
@02:40:50- Look at the CCP like a monarchy, once the boomers die
@02:45:40- The Tragedy of The Progressives, Tfm doesn’t think China will Balkanize they’ll reform
@02:48:47- Marxists believe communism would work if it was more global, how communism was supposed to work
@02:51:32- Imagine if taxpayers had the respect of the people, only 20% of the people actually pay taxes, Dunbars number
@02:54:56- Tfm is optimistic about the future
@02:59:01- The CCP originally got their support from the Soviet Union, Russia and China are no longer Communist, when Israel is abandoned the Jews will go to South America
@03:02:35- The Multi Polar World, The British Empire, The Dutch Empire, The Byzantines, The Romans, we’re going into an era where’s there’s no global empire
@03:07:58- A unique factor regarding the CCP, look at Singapore, Singapore shattered the narrative that Capitalism requires exploitation
@03:11:10- We have a lot of problems, but the problems are self correcting problems
@03:13:18- Tfm doesn’t have a timeline but things are looking good, we’re heading to an economic crisis, the world will heel when the hard times come, Boomers, Zionists and Technocrats will hold onto power, Whoever comes after Trump, leaked memo from the democrats, Will the democrats move to the right
@03:18:33- In the 2024 election, why they didn’t steal it, the left is not a sizable group without taxpayers money, Tfm is optimistic about the future, Russia will not cut a deal, president of Iran is a moderate but won’t make a deal
@03:24:16- We can’t defeat you so we’ll just nuke you, Would Israel nuke Yemen, the only thing that stops the regime is nukes
@03:30:13- Will Trump send forces into Yemen, how gullible are gen z, the houthis started attacking ships when Israel violated the ceasefire, the Houthis have been fighting the nato army for 10 years
@03:36:53- The Globalists, the Zionists, Technocrats
@03:43:10- HD brings up a story on how a Japanese streamer was killed
@03:52:00- You never borrow money to give to someone else to borrow from you, banks and credit unions entire model is to give money
@03:57:48- Don’t give strangers on the internet money, Tfm doesn’t want to be a part of a scam
@04:05:44- The guy should’ve never been in that situation, you gotta do what you gotta do, frontier justice
@04:11:23- LessTrustMoreTruth superchat Who do we think is going to be the biggest disappointment of Trumps female cabinet picks: Tulsi Gabbard, Kristi Noem, or Pam Bondi. Pam Bondi. Pam’s taking an early lead at the moment.
@04:11:47- Doj and FBI are all related, Epstein files involve Israel, blackmail is more affective, Diddy was doing what Epstein did for the Hip Hop world, it’s better to be feared than loved, Andrew Tates scams
@04:19:42- Pam Bondi
@04:20:15- Jagobah superchat Killing Floor 3 comes out in a couple of weeks, looking forward to it? Hope it’s not shit like Payday 3
@04:20:32- Is Killing Floor 3 shit? Mobile games, brands, brands in movies, have multiple brands/ sponsors, brand recognition, KFC is huge in China and Japan, Identity 5
@04:52:55- BraveRenegade superchat works at a VA hospital. Is a combat vet, divot and kn long term recovery. Wants to continue to help veterans and men. Has a chance to go back to school. Torn between masters in healthcare admin and social work.
@04:53:41- Tfms advice
@04:55:28- Certain industries will always be in demand, three Industries that do well in a recession
@04:59:39- BraveRenegade superchat one more question. Mortgage is a 815 with a 3.5 rate in a lower cost of living area. Feels like he’s always bleeding money to fix his house. Should he just get a town house with less expenses?
@05:00:18- Nobody builds one bedroom homes outside of the city, home repairs, fixing a car vs fixing a house, law of entropy
@05:07:19- What business men do to write off expenses, writing off expenses
@05:14:35- TransformationalSynergy superchat around 700 viewers right now but few donating, help out Tfm inflation is a bitch.
@05:15:04- The widget minimum for superchats is 5$, anything less won’t feed into the widget, extra value menu from 10 years ago
@05:17:40- When selling things cheaply vs expensive
@05:18:43- Tfms perspective on tipping, There’s no tipping in other parts of the world not even in Western European Countries, Tfm is out to eat with a local politician that gave huge tips, Tipping culture is strong in the US
@05:25:07- Sebastiandelao superchat boycott Mexican beer, HD remembers Voodoos birthday
@05:27:01- MarkStrong superchat tried the carnivore diet, very high fats like eggs and avocados and meats. Almost no carbs. Had great energy and lost body fat. His problem was he had interrupted sleeps.
@05:27:37- Tfm has insomnia anyways, Tfms carnivore diet updates, What makes a steak tender and juicy
@05:34:26- Tfm bought another bottle of enzymes
@05:39:13- The government shouldn’t get involved with healthcare
@05:40:26- MarkStrong superchat thoughts on suicide. AMR would preach that in Islam, committing suicide would send you straight to the hell fire by Allah. Why do you think Allah condemns suicide that bad. What if someone is in extreme amount of pain? How do we prevent our Mgtow brothers from taking this step?
@05:41:01- Tfms thoughts on suicide, one more good day standard, suicide is a permanent solution to a short term problem
@05:50:50- MarkStrong superchat do our thoughts come from the mind, the brain or some external universal consciousness. What fascinates him is the idea that we can only worry about one thing at a time.
@05:51:21- You can only think of one thing at a time, your thoughts come from your mind, don’t confuse your thoughts for yourself
@05:55:59- MarkStrong superchat Tfm said that it’s highly unlikely that a girl is full on lesbian and only attracted to other women, because they use strapons. Can you explain that. Are you sure that there aren’t any pure blooded lesbians. Also is homosexuality a gene mutation? Why would nature allow it? Or is it social conditioning?
@05:56:37- One cause of homosexuality, continuing to take birth control while pregnant can cause gayness
@05:57:42- The strapon thing explained
@06:04:09- MarkStrong superchat Tfm last two weeks ago you mentioned that you met a few prostitutes. Did you fuck then?
@06:04:41- When Tfm was in the Navy, Tfm doesn’t find prostitutes attractive, Tfm doesn’t like meaningless sex
@06:12:40- MarkStrong superchat thoughts on forever chemicals on non stick frying pans. Cooks eggs so well in a non stick but there’s guys like Paul Saladin going around trying to get people to use stainless steel only.
@06:13:08- Enamel Cast Iron is non stick
@06:16:36- If Cast Iron gets stained, use baking soda
@06:19:09- MarkStrong superchat remembers when Tfm called out pseudo intellectual Lex Friedman, saying, Hell o could be lex Friedman. This dude literally came out of nowhere, he barely did anything aside from a few testing at Tesla. When people call him out on it, he bans everyone on subreddits and twitter
@06:23:29- MarkStrong superchat thoughts on the biggest health debate among nutritionists, bodybuilders, doctors and health coaches. Where on one side you have a group of these professionals who say, it’s all about calories in versus calories out. In order to lose weight. While the other side say it’s all about fasting.
@06:24:04- Calorie deficit will help you lose weight, Ozempic, drugs help people who can’t ignore their physiological need to eat, two groups of people Tfm envy, body builders and gym rats
@06:29:58- MarkStrong superchat Nobel prize winner Geoffrey Hinton, godfather of ai quote Conciousness already arrived inside ai, suppose I take 1 neuron in your brain cell. Then replace it with nano tech, dat behaves exactly the same way. So it’s getting pins from neurons, n it responds to those by sending out pings.
@06:30:45- Persistence of identity, Sense of self is an illusion
@06:34:00- All memories and consciousness is just data, muddying the waters
@06:38:13- Avorix superchat so Tfm what are your thoughts on HD playing the new death stranding 2 game, when it comes out? So any thoughts on the Animorphs Tfm, it was a pretty good war story for young adults, sucks Rachel died at the end. Hates voodoo. How would Marcus Aurelius move through this world?
@06:38:56- Animorph books, Marcus Aurelius, what made him virtuous? Power corrupts, George Washington, Death Stranding was a weird game
@06:42:50- MarkStrong superchat Rehab Room, aka inkwell tv quote Manosphere completely gets this wrong that women’s smv drops after 30. These red pill guys on YouTube like, PscJacks are delusional. All a 30 year old women has to do is go on dating apps and she’s getting thirsts from dozens of men.
@06:43:32- Tfm explains why dating apps are for women
@06:49:13- Men don’t go to single events, the dynamic is different for in person events
@07:00:35- Don’t recommend dating in this current era
@07:02:06- Disastronaut superchat for gamer bros in the audience, recommends Crtadel. It’s a really fun retro style rogue like shooter and it’s 2 bucks on steam.
@07:13:40- MarkStrong superchat question for libertarians lama from another universe, your thoughts on libertarian Dave Smith has a specific idea of what kind of culture/ society/ collective he wants to live in, and is a paleoconservative one. Multi part Andrew Wilson debated Dave Smith
@07:18:14- Regarding homosexuality and gay marriage and libertarianism
@07:20:34- MarkStrong superchat Mgtow YouTuber manhood, did a recent video showcasing a popular video of Indian men giving up on dating and marriage.
@07:21:11- Doesn’t India have arranged marriages
@07:22:39- Will the Indian birth rate crash, What’s the secret sauce?
@07:23:31- MarkStrong superchat thoughts on entertaining the idea in the future just giving everything up and just join a Buddhist monastery. Wants to live rest of life as a monk seeking enlightenment.
@07:25:08- There’s no soul
@07:28:11- Splattenburgers superchat The AI bubble will burst once people realize much of what is touted as advanced AI is not advanced at all.
@07:32:17- MarkStrong superchat HD you showed your hand last week, you’ve got some big hands with long fingers.
@07:35:41- Bacheloro superchat rise from your grave & rescue Celestina, just passing by, listens occasionally past couple years.
@07:38:55- Bacheloro superchat as a residual euro decent person from 3 world country. Has friends like him here in Canada. 1 Zimbabwe, a couple Africans & white Jamaicans.
@07:39:39- Culture is more important than race, multi culturalism doesn’t work
@07:41:00- Bacheloro superchat back home we have obeah
@07:42:50- Bacheloro superchat revisit some of my greatest hits. 4 high IQ (I too 132) u crazy to choose lightsaber over proton pack
@07:45:24- rmndr superchat Tfm the good day standard is bullshit for life evaluation. Just give it a thought. You’re in insane pain due to RA 340 days a years. You do have good days when living does not hurt, right? That’s not the year you’re in pain
@07:46:01- If it’s a temporary problem, if there’s a chance for remediation, Tfm figured out how to manage his RA
@07:50:34- Bacheloro superchat last 1 then bedtime, Mel sleeping so flashlight tonight. Will drop by in future again.
@07:51:22- Waifu goo
@07:52:06- military technique to fall asleep quickly
@07:52:59- Bacheloro got a girl pregnant and is with her now, there are no unicorns but white tiger
@07:54:46- Last superchat, rest of superchats are for Halsey and Voodoo, Sponsor Shilling, closing thoughts
that's great an 8 hour show again
Damn, 8 hours. Almost new record.