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The TFM Show: March 1st, 2025

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Published on 02 Mar 2025 / In People & Blogs

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RafidaMgtow 13 hours ago

I think TFM peaked years ago and it’s sad to see the show decline.

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Ronin Grey
Ronin Grey 8 hours ago

I see it as kind of why back in the day I stopped listening to Sean Hannity (when he was relevant, like 20 years ago). He always let these absolute retards talk on and on, taking up half the show time. I tuned in for the host's insights, not the guests' delusions. I never liked the idea of giving them a platform. Let them get their own and sink or swim on their own merits. Another thing is that we're all in a holding pattern right now, waiting for something to happen politically in this unstable climate. So we talk about the same things. I always preferred Mike Savage, who could carry a show on his own, just like TFM is at his best when he covers articles and comments on them. Be patient. I'm sure that soon we'll get some new Feds posing as lolcows with infinite money to keep things interesting. Or maybe not, now that DOGE is a thing.

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Ronin Grey
Ronin Grey 8 hours ago

My reply was way longer than expected. Wall of Text = my bad.

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RoboCat 7 hours ago

Nah. Things only improved after he got rid of 'He who must not be named'.

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SolidSnake33TWRA 16 hours ago

The United States of America: TWRA or die. Should be the new motto this country is known for. You want to MAGA? TWRA and you will truly realize that statement to its fullest extent.

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SolidSnake33TWRA 16 hours ago

TWRA you dickless, spineless cucks that are no countrymen of mine.

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SolidSnake33TWRA 16 hours ago

Boys and men don't have a sex addiction problem they have a NINE TIMES higher sex DRIVE than women. We as men were born to tame nature and rape the future into existence whether you like it or not. Any man that thinks that's "mean" or "illegal" or whatever other psychologically castrating thoughts needs to know these words: Shut up, I don't care, fuck you.

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Weeklychemistry 9 hours ago

One day, when we meet God he will laugh at us for all we have done regarding women. He will say, "I designed them for you to have sex with without trying to convince them. Who told you you needed thier consent?"

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SolidSnake33TWRA 16 hours ago

OMG you looked at a girl or a woman depending on how old you are as a male and -- horror of horrors -- you coveted her naked body and your penis got hard and you masturbated to the thought of fucking her brains out! You covetous heathen! You need to pray your masturbation and sex addiction away! Sex addiction?! You mean having a NINE TIMES HIGHER sex drive than a woman? Yeah, go fuck yourself in your castrated churches.

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