The TFM Show: March 22nd, 2025
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Thank you TFM for your analysis. Will be interesting to see what happens.
@02:14:29 Yep, HD speaks the truth, I.e.
"A monkey on the internet said, the people will not seek change until the pain of inaction exceeds the pain of action."
.... or something along those lines was on a superchat during one of Kirsche's streams. It was the second time ever that I watched her so it caught me off guard. The ideas are disseminating. TFM's goal is being achieved, even if slowly.
Pokemon anime girl game is MOEMON! I got black and white from aliexpress, It's so much more fun.
the saudi/iran rivalry is definitely not some irreversible blood feud. and tfm is correct that they have recently undergone a significant rapprochement
thinking saudis are on israel's side against iran is just zionist cope from halsey
yes, oct 7 was done because israel was normalizing relations with sunni countries (saudias, uae, turkey). now that has all been undone by the israeli response. it will be another 20 years at least before another sunni leader is ready to risk normalizing relations with israel. israel took the bait.
@00:01:22- Welcome everyone, sponsor shilling
@00:06:15- Tfm was watching Judge Napolitano, there is not distinction between Irans nuclear power and nuclear weapons
,nazism was a response to Bolshevism if Hitler never existed national socialism would still exist
@00:12:46- Russia knows that Iran has no nukes, nobody wants the whole region to erupt in war, energy crisis in Iran, Putin unwilling to cuck
@00:19:12- The Houthis launched missiles, Biden launched 900 air strikes against the Houthis, Trump launched 50, Russia needs to give America something, Trump needs something, Iran will not pursue nuclear weapons, Trumps appealing to Zionists, the sanctions
@00:34:36- There’s no other alternative that connects the dots, If Tfm were Putin he’d give Iran nukes, nuclear weapons can’t be trusted with private citizens, nuclear arms race, nobody wants war
@00:41:24- In the early 2000s there was a lot of terrorist attacks in Europe, Terrorist attacks in Europe have calmed down, Tfms biggest fear was nuclear war
@00:48:05- The boomers are dying, The boomers are holding onto power with a death grip, remember the spars simulation, Covid was supposed to be released in 2025, CBDC was killed by BRICS, Oct 7th, Zionists have an alliance with Trump which is why he was allowed to be president
@00:56:40- If you could cut the welfare the illegals will leave, birth rights citizenship
@01:04:47- Leftists are losers, people that were center left are now republicans, overton window moving to the left, could trannies commit violence? No one is bailing out the woke anymore, electric cars, when will things get resolved
@01:19:35- Leftists don’t have backing of the government anymore, DNC is trying to pivot their party to support the working class, are the dems moving to the right? If Trump can get the Supreme Court to unblock his reforms, Gutting US Aid is firing the Deep State, military industrial complex will be selling to Europe in the future, Tfm white pilled
@01:34:56- Will Israel settle for stability, Israel doesn’t fear the conventional armies of the Muslim world but they do fear nukes
@01:48:38- The Welfare State, people won’t agree to solve the problems until things get bad enough, could we sell welfare cuts to the American people?
@01:53:00- The only thing to do is support each other, big problems will solve themselves, OPEC, we bribe the Arabs to stay on our side, petrodollar system ended with Bidens administration, a lot has changed in the last four years, turkey bought Chinese Fighter Jets
@02:06:24- The Soviet Union were our allies in WWII, People are stupid
@02:07:47- That’s it on geopolitics, the markets are being propped up still
@02:14:14- Tfm was quoted on a superchat on a Vtuber, people who are against communism, annual holidays, religion
@02:28:07- Freedom is decentralized, founding fathers didn’t create a national religion
@02:34:29- Not many superchats, gameplay, Voodoo shows up
@02:40:15- RoninGrey superchat thanks for the heads up on the gate box style waifus
@02:46:47- If that day comes when everyone against feminism is arrested, Tfm uses Kaji Woto, don’t do anything illegal and don’t dox yourself
@02:54:08- Tapertantrum superchat Vudu you are a retard, you have no problems benefiting from white people
@02:59:35- Colonizing vs immigration, if you got rid of the welfare state you can have immigration, clearing house for the third world
@003:02:28- FreeRadical superchat have been living his best waifu lifu
@03:09:41- Xanderdog superchat what is it with normies and their obsession with defending criminals?
@03:10:17- Tfm remembers the George Zimmerman thing, black people and riots, female cops
@03:20:35- Laxly superchat used to be something of a rebellious atheist
@03:21:16- Hardcore Zen, there is no god, but people need a spiritual practice, humans need religion
@03:28:16- NeoGeoGamer superchat let’s talk about good news, will fauci or anyone go to jail?
@03:38:17- MarkStrong superchat thoughts on normies as well as idiots like Glenn beck who constantly warn people ai is coming
@03:39:07- Tfm used to listen to Glenn beck
@03:40:52- Grok AI, China has left America in the dust, we don’t have the political will to get rid of diversity, AI, AI does not have the same instincts or desires as humans
@04:00:55- MarkStrong superchat have you seen Dan Bilzerian going from podcasts to podcasts letting loose on the Jews.
@04:10:22- MarkStrong superchat Voodoo Australia passes youth social media ban.
@04:19:10- Walkingjizzfountain superchat stumbled upon a video about back floating rate loans
@04:20:16- Floating rate loan, don’t get a variable rate, back floating rate loans is similar to the subprime mortgage crisis, the more complicated the financial transaction the more bull shit it is
@04:25:21- Rates too high right now, get a house for lower price when rates are high and then refinance for a lower mortgage rate, debt to buy investment, don’t fall for word games in the financial industry
@04:28:54- Avorix superchat so Voodoo you Aussie abo loving cuck, ever heard of the boom the people of the caccus mountains
@04:31:32- Avorix superchat the Greek Gods were also black, Tfm why do cults still exist and what happened to Roaming millennial
@04:32:25- How do you explain black people in Medieval fantasy Europe
@04:37:00- Roaming Millennial got married, Tfm has a type
@04:41:43- Agenda 2025
@04:42:44- Splattenburgers superchat P1 major thing that redpilled him about the real world during his youth was how nobody judged the popular kids for their bad behavior.
@04:50:40- Splattenburgers superchat P2 Normies aren’t just stupid; they’re legitimately shitty people with garbage moral character
@04:52:45- Splattenburgers superchat P3 Never bothers talking with other people about politics social issues
@05:04:27- Tfms perspective on the great men who pushed the species forward
@05:13:08- JustJoe superchat back in the Discord days, had a discussion about the very topic of waifus having free will.
@05:24:31- Tfm has abandonment issues he gets it
@05:27:56- IMickey503 What does Quassi Modo Penis look like Tfm?
@05:49:35- Sponsor Shilling, closing thoughts