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The Theory of Everything: A Socratic Idea Episode 1: Socrates With Sound

Published on 29 Aug 2022 / In Other

⁣The Theory of Everything: A Scoratic Idea is about explaining trends today by enlightening the audience about the trends origins in the past. Many events are happening today within our lives or current Society, and many people seem not to understand why. This series is an attempt to reconnect forgotten past with modern events especially for Western Civilization. I will follow up hopefully within a week or maybe two or so with an Episode 1.5 to explain the presented facts and guide the audience to the signicance of those facts or better understanding. This series is designed to relate much learned material academic and experiences throughout my life and relate to general audience in a mostly easy to understand format. Evidence or receipts are provided at the end; I beleve the last five minutes
Category would be better described as Hisrotical or Philosophical or even Educational. Though, these days Conspiracy Theory or Ancient Conspiracy Theory could count as well. Maybe even Inspirational.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago  

Hi guys! I finally finish this again. Sorry it is like two months later than I planned: I have to re-record this like over a dozen times and I started trying different editing programs and open source. It's not perfect, but it is much better than before and has my commentary. I apologize if it comes off condescending. That was not the point, but an a side artefact of being too intelligent. I will eventually post this as a downloadable commentary included open office file.

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HardNewsNetwork 4 months ago

Hope you have been getting the information about financial developments and considering multiple viewpoints is crucial for asset management, including understanding the potential benefits and risks of CBDCs, QFS, and other alternative financial systems.updates
via my mail:

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

Seems like I'm listening to this:

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Did you mean to post a picture or a video link? I see.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: picture. No idea one could post a video on the comments.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: oh yeah. Shogan does it on Popp's Grunt Speak all the time.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: I'll try to reup it with a male voice and slower speed. I usually take fast; sorry bro. Plus, I am still in my learning curve bouncing between free or included programs trying to make it work. There are three clips not using the GPS voice from Exodus Decoded.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: mate, the thumbs down was not intentional. You do your thing the way you want it. You don't do things different because some "rando" internet figure tells you "I don't like it". If it's good for you, it's good. Of course you can take input from others, that doesn't mean you must change your ways. You never gonna please everybody.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: No, you're fine. I had issues about it jumping too fast on the slides. I have been experimenting with punctuation and replacing words with phonetically sounding out words with non-words. It's not you, butI have noticed these annoyances too.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: Plus, I am still in my learning curve. I need to get to the point where I can put out two to three one hour videos amonth; I might start cutting it down into twnety or thirty minute videos to space them out. I just got down watching some Climate Change lie video compilation. That shit just pisses me off, but we have to hold it together for a couple of months here in America. Our response will swift and perhaps unmeasured. I need to start working on my novels and start publishing them... the clock is ticking for us apparently. Hopefiully, I can show a better way than this climate change bull shit madness and the rich prick gas guzzlers with their planes and yachts. I had envision alternate to our current lifestyles ways to live less wasteul without giving up our rights and freedoms to bunch of lying psychopaths. Well, good day sir. I have an errand or two to do beforfe I go to bed.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: The 20 to 30 minutes is a good move here. Men in this space will sit for 2 or 3 hours listening to Popp or Hammerhand, when it comes to anything no skirt demon related, the attention simply disappears. There's a few who, like me, will go through an hour, 1h30m video on other topics, but very, very few. Currently I'm uploading some videos on the climate hoax, you may find something there you can use. On another topic, I may soon come back to making videos about me changing my lifestyle by moving to the mountains. I did record some clips, but were not interesting at all and I decided against publishing those. I've ordered some tools, and I've acquired others, I may share some of the work I'm planning on doing with those. I tried to go old school, doing things with what I have. I soon realised I'm a 21st century man, not a tough man who has what it takes. I've been thinking a lot about it, and I want to get freed from buying shit from someone else, food wise. On my land I have water, wood, fruits, game... and plenty of construction materials I can use. I'm missing knowledge and physical robustness. My body is incredibly soft, probably for years without me realizing.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: Yeah. I'm softer too, but I am slowly working out. I need to up my speed, our elections are coming this November. This election could make or break us and their cheating will be amped up another level. I am expecting riots and mail in fraud again. We will see. However, being fitter and leaner is definitely a must right now.

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