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The Tiger The Lion And The Donkey (wisdom)

25 vistas
Publicado en 09 Sep 2023 / En Personas y blogs
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red maple
red maple 2 años hace  

Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.
- Euripides

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WMHarrison94 2 años hace

Hmmm. I don't remember that one,but I guess I didn't read all his plays... Sounds sound to me...

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WMHarrison94 2 años hace

Sounds like ass for dinner tonight... But, the donkey might have been to Ole Ken Tuck... The state of Kentucky.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 años hace

Been there more times than I should.

Was in my teens, and as most of you fine gentleman know, I'm into motorcycles, a smart individual joined our group and for some reason came into the conversation a 50cc moped which that said individual insisted had a twin cylinder engine.
The stupid in me came out and for a few long minutes, I tried to explain to him that that engine was a single cylinder, not a twin as he was claiming.
This went on until one of my friends intervened and said to me "it has two cylinders as he is saying".
That was my tip, which I immediately caught.
My words "oh, that moped! Yes, you're right. It's a twin cylinder engine. I was confused.".
That was the end of it, I don't remember ever talking to that idiot again, and for the most part, with some very short exceptions, I learned the lesson that day.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 años hace

opposed twin boxer.. lol

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 años hace

Peugeot, I had one

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