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The Tragedy of Darth Devious - Anti-MGTOW

Published on 01 Dec 2020 / In Other

⁣Good morrow, ladies and gents. It is I, the Crimson Crusader, who brings you my last video of this mini-series responding to Tru Sherm's MGTOW demonization campaign against Anti-MGTOW. Now we will explore the tragedy of Tru Sherm's video. The more his video progresses, the worse it gets. Now, Tru Sherm is acting insincere and more hypocritical than ever. For Sherm's insincerity, he shall now be known as Darth Devious (this part is a joke if you are too triggered to understand it). ;)

Follow Me On Twitter - https://twitter.com/CrimsonCrusador
YouTube - https://bit.ly/36wQWe9

Note: I know I'm using the old intro, and the video is longer than 15 minutes. That is because these are some older videos that I did not post. After all, I had more important videos to post for the past few weeks.

Any discussions regarding legal matters are solely the opinion of the owner of this YouTube channel and are not to be considered legal advice. Discussions revolving around legal matters may include information reiterated from other sites and are not to be regarded as any form of legal consultation.

Video Notes:
This video is NOT intended to be a malicious personal attack against MGTOW! Instead, it is a critical analysis and commentary about their opinions, ideas, perspectives, and presentation of the material.

Part 1 of This Series: https://youtu.be/tUiYz-Ka5Bc
Part 2 of This Series: https://youtu.be/-s1J2cwtV0A
Channel Introduction Video: https://youtu.be/TFQ8K6NL5hk
Tru Sherm's "A Message to anti MGTOWs" Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MinzlZMsaM

[Channel Intro Music]

Crusade Heavy Industry by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.....io/song/4678-crusade
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Modifications: Soundtrack cut down to a 13 second segment (part of the original soundtrack used - 00:04:18-00:17:00), Fade in 1 second & Fade out 1.40 seconds

Music Track (00:27-00:48):

Dark Standoff by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.....io/song/3609-dark-st
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

[Channel Outro Music]

Lord of the Land by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.....io/song/4002-lord-of
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Modifications: Soundtrack cut down to 12 seconds, Fade In 2.00s & Fade Out 1.16s

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ExperimentalGroup 4 years ago

First, divorce rates are at a current 60% , with 80% of those cases opened by the wives. In very rare cases is a man receiving alimony. Second, it is statistical that women gain custody of children 85% of the time, with the only thing to bar that decision being active drug use, prostitution and mental illness. With that decision, they will take 25% pre tax income which after tax will closely resemble 50% in some states. So some of what you’ve refuted as untrue actually is true.

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