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The TRAGIC Execution Of Helmuth Hubener - The Youngest Execution In Nazi Germany

Published on 06 Apr 2021 / In Film & Animation

To defy Adolf Hitler and the Nazis during the Third Reich in Germany was incredibly serious. Resistance against the Nazis and the government would usually result in someone being taken to a concentration camp, or even worse being sentenced to death for treason. The Guillotine was used during this time in Nazi Germany, and was used to execute many who opposed the rules and those who were deemed to be traitors.

Helmuth Hubener is the youngest person to have been executed inside Nazi Germany after being found guilty of treason by the People's Court. He was only 17 when he went to his death with immense bravery. Previously he had been in the Hitler Youth, however after the events of Kristallnacht became split from the beliefs. He was a very religious boy, and enjoyed to listen to banned radio broadcasts from Great Britain, which in itself was a very serious crime at the time. Helmuth then wrote leaflets based on what he heard, and he and his friends distributed them across Hamburg.

However he was reported to the Gestapo and arrested. He was then placed on trial, and during his trial he became very argumentative at the judges in an attempt to relieve the blame on his friends. He was sentenced to death, and was executed using the guillotine at Plotzensee Prison in Berlin, being just 17. He was the youngest person ever to be executed inside Nazi Germany, and today he is remembered for being an incredibly brave young man.

So join us today as we look at 'The Tragic Execution Of Helmuth Hubener - The Youngest Execution In Nazi Germany.'

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Music - I Am A Man Who Will Fight For Your Honour - Chris Zabriskie.

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