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The true cost of lockdown- Two shocking stories from the height of the pandemic

Published on 06 Mar 2023 / In Film & Animation

IU cant speak for all the people but Lock down, even though I live alone has certainly effected me psychologically in this way. I like my own company and when I wanted to talk or interact I would leave home and go for a drink or visit what I thought then was with friends? Since Lock down and Covid, all those asshole that claimed to be friends that I would help and do shit for at my own expense and yime may I add, have seemed to have evaporated into thin air, thus telling me they were NEVER real friend's. a couple of GOOD friens have died. I spend a lot of time on my own, doesn't bother me one flying fart at all, but when I do go out now it's like a commando raid to get food or whatever. I just DO NOPT wish any longer to interact with the Sheeple and NPC's. Even the one's waking up now, the ones that laughed at me when I toldd them it was all BULLSHIT. as for thye UK Police? I wouldn't piss on one if it was on fire after they verged on going full NAZI on tyhe public. As we know the police are corrupt anyway's in the UK. Also Ambulance drivers that went out Day and night driving round spreading FEAR with lights ans sirens going of then parking up and returning to the station having done nothing to assist the piblic? Well they can FUCK OFF as well I no longer trust them either andI don't get out of the way for them at lights anymore because if I cross into the cycle lane or pass the redlight I would get fined, they can fucking wait like every other CUNT. Tik Tok dancing nurses that stood outside on thursday nights clapping like so many Seals, they can fuck off as well, If I'm ill I deal with it myselof, the NHYS and all the tossers that work for it can also go FUCK OFF as well. And all this because a paranoid Government not fit for purpose was backed up by the dumb, stupid fucking indiotic public that fell into this crap hook line and sinker. Hancock shouuld be giver a LIFE SENTEWNCES for TREASON against the people of the UK. The UK is truly completely FUCKEDF because of those CUNT's I'll live my life in Common Law as I wish from now on. may thay ALL rot in HELL!

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