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The True Evil Untold History of Communism

Published on 08 Oct 2022 / In Film & Animation

This video presents the real history of communism. It goes back to the beginnings and the information provided in this video has never been taught in this kind of detail to Americans or Europeans. This is the real proof of the Satanic evil of Communism and Socialism. If you really want to know what their intentions are for the world in the future, watch this video and see what horrors they unleashed on the world in the past.
This information is taken from an 11-hour documentary entitled Europa: The Last Battle. It is absolutely fascinating information. I'm not stating that it's all true or all false. The truth always lies in the middle. Regardless of what you think about this information it has been hidden on purpose and therefore it needs to be exposed. If people don't understand their history they are doomed to repeat it. America is on a collision course to repeat the disaster that you see in this movie. Europe is also in the cross hairs of these evil communist bastards. You can find the Europa video on Bit Chute if you want to watch the whole thing. I will try to continue to put segments up that I feel are vitally important in terms of the information they convey.

Here is the link to the 11 hour documentary.

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In Adolf Hitlers own words, "I went to register the name, "The German Workers Communist Party" but the name communist was taken, so I chose the name, "The German Workers Socialist Party".

So the whole issue of "names and the attributed characters" of assorted parties is all bullshit.

There are either generally decent people or utter cunts.

No matter what the brand name they have taken up to run under.

I would be more inclined to fact check ALL of the videos content - to determine if it is substantially true, partly true and partly fucked up, partly true and partly lies, or substantially dishonest and misleading.

The problem is that the Pro-Nazi arseholes are as big and as bad a pack of lying cunts, as the Jew Cult - and it's fucking crap artist media - they are as bad as each other.

I'd be prepared to listen to the Nazi arseholes - if they ONLY told the truth.

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Longshanks 2 years ago

Its not so much as cunts exist, its how average people (men) decide to take their place among these cunts to get their own little set of crumbs as spoils. They are called the goyim pigeons, and these are your actual enemies. Weak and evil seeks to rule over the group mind. All groups are made of weak people. Individuals best exist as pirates that prey on a kind of high seas. Be it space, air, water, anything generally inaccessible to the regular plebs except through feats of engineering and trade craft. A Brotherhood of Sun and Steel, who only coalesce around pirating adventures.

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