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The TRUE SUFFERING Of The Old Feminist!

Published on 18 Jul 2024 / In People & Blogs

We men have told feminist women this going to be the end result for YEARS!!!
Search "I'm single, childless and alone. Feminism has failed me and my generation."

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

Some woman at the grocery store tried being nice to me.. but I did not want to say one word to her.. She got mad as hell at me.. she probly having trouble with her MORTGAGE! .. lol

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

It actually took me a couple days to figure out what her problem was.. why she got so mad at me when I ignored her. well, all over the web they are talking baout housing in Florida. . ahem. . unless she has a 25 yo daughter she dont have anything I want..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

I know a female fitness instructor from school who inherited a very nice house.. I think I could have fun with her.. but still do not bother..

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NeoGeoGamer 2 months ago

What a pretentious cunt. Her article reads like she went through the entire thesaurus while writing it. $20 words won't keep you out of the nursing home.

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kaluz55 2 months ago

Women weren't brainwashed. They were empowered.

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 months ago

To quote the feminist: "we are all educated...blah, blah, blah..." There in lies the core problem. Educated and intelligent are not the same thing. A guy who leveraged a 2 year degree into a six figure a year job as an electrical contractor is far more intelligent than a femon who is six figures in student debt with a masters degree and an $80k a year office drone job. College is just a product aimed at gullible females now.

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GenerationLESS 2 months ago

And $80k is being generous. About 9 years ago when I was still "dating", I was seeing a woman that was a teacher at Oregon St. Univ., working there because she had a Masters...for about $15 an hour when it all boiled down.

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Kicking the feminists when they are down?


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