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The TRUTH About All the NEW ELECTRIC SCHOOL BUS Advertising!

Published on 20 Apr 2023 / In People & Blogs

Tons of ads trying to convince us to be behind the idea of electric school busses. What's the deal with that?
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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 years ago

Electric vehicles are not and never will be viable. the goal is to reduce the mobility of the middle class. If all vehicles were replaced tomorrow with electric vehicles in the US and Americans drove the same number of miles, it would take every kilowatt of electricity produced daily to charge them. That means no other electric appliance would work. All would be required to charge the vehicles. But even that would not charge them. Another 26 nuclear power plants would be required just to make up the difference. It's a joke.

And on a side note, the automakers could easily make vehicles that would last 30 years and one million miles. But then, how would they keep selling product and keep the share price up if they cut their sales down by three quarters?

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critical cracker
critical cracker 2 years ago

hello good sir your a intelligent man

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