The Truth About Male Loneliness
I cannot speak for you guy's, but loneliness doesn't feature in my life. Fuck I was thrown out with the bath water at a very young age and I've had a life time of learning to be ALONE but not lonely. I learned a long time ago that what others think of you and groweing to simply like myself was a great achievement. There is NOT one thing another human can say to me that will insult or make me feel lonely, it just ain't gonna work. We see thgis when women use the term Toxic Mascvulinity, a term obviously quoted by a women because it doesn't fit any of the MALE traits in anyway. Yep! all us guy's are TOXIC and the women don't like it, YET, they will behave like MEN in the most toxic way a women can behave as if being toxic is a default MALE trait sio they copy? They copy because women are so fucking STUPID they cannot actually think logically for themselves, they are good at dropping the Clutch on thier mouths before there small flawed brain is put in gear, you CANNOT help a woman at all it's impossible. they say that they don't need no MAN when the reality is that is exactly what they need and they need a MAN they WILL listen to not argue with. Personally because I don't get lonely and accept myself for who and what I am I don't need a female at all, I can't think of a single logical reason to need one, not even to shag what with all the shit they hole carries around with it! lol! Lonelines is a state of mind and if you give your mind something to occupy it lonelines will evaporate and being alone will replace it. a lot of the Loneliness is expection validation from others in a self centered world where we all mean nothing to anyone else, especiaclly the female, be cause females are NOT MEN, they cannot help you but simply hinder and deride you. I have nothimng to do with women anymore, not even sexually because you know the ROT is in the brain and not what it's tit's look like. Women have become like having a Ferrari on your drive without an engine in it, looks good but has no useful purpose to you, you can admire it all you like but it ain't gonna go anywhere. Peace gents, You have a logical brain so use it or loose it.
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