The TRUTH About Mussolini And Fascism
Published on 31 Oct 2020 / In
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Fascism was a socialist movement based on class struggle ideology and it always have been in a fight with the Church, there was no "protection" for religious activity, on the contrary, socialist fascists incorporated the Duce's anticlericalism
and viewed the Pope and Vatican as something that souldn't last for too long. Fascists murdered catholic priests on Italy and even in the Ethiopian invasion. The socialist movement of fascism banned the Catholic Action in Italy, closed catholic associations, persecuted catholic priests and even threatened the Pope.
Catholics were even banned from participating in the fascist party (i don't know why any catholic would want to, anyway)
During 1931, a conflict broke out between the Catholic Church and Mussolini's government over Italian Catholic Action, due to the fact that Mussolini ordered his activism and the Italian police to CLOSE the headquarters of Catholic youth associations in Italy. Count Giuseppe Dalla Torre, director of the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, wrote the following: “There were oppressions, often bloody, devastations that resulted in the sacrilegious desecration of broken crucifixes, marked pious images, portraits of the Pope torn and trampled amidst cries of grave and death to Catholic Action and the Supreme Pontiff, and songs blasphemous and obscene, and offensive to priests, students and young Catholics, although seriously attacked by a greater number of protesters, they did not submit to the intimidation of removing their badges, which were snatched away only with violence and after repeated resistance several times in the same place . ".
Mussolini even preferred Islam to Christianity, having even thought about building a mosque in Italy. (In 1934, after the creation of Italian Libya, Benito Mussolini initiated policies encouraging Islam, defining local populations as "Italian Muslims from the fourth bank of Italy". In Africa, Mussolini built 21 mosques, built Quranic schools, restored Quranic schools and mosques, prepared service structures for Islamists who pilgrimaged in Mecca, and founded the Higher School of Islamic Culture in Tripolitania. Therefore, on March 20, 1937, General Italo Baldo, who was governor-general of Italian Libya, proclaimed Mussolini as Protector of Islam in a proclamation addressed to Italian subjects in Africa. In this ceremony, Mussolini received the Sword of Islam from Yusuf Kerisc, an important Berber supporter of the Italian occupation against the Libyan resistance. After entering Tripolitania amid cannon salutes and at the head of a contingent of 2,600 horsemen, Mussolini reaffirmed his closeness to the Islamic population, guaranteeing “peace, justice, well-being and respect for the laws of the Prophet”. According to Mussolini's interpretation, with the Kingdom of Italy taking the place of the Ottoman Empire in Libya, this title was bequeathed to him, since, in some way, he was heir to the caliph's authority).
The socialist movement of fascism was formally condemned by the Church already by Pope Pius XI (before Pacelli - Pius XII), by the encyclical Non abbiamo bisogno. During the Second World War, Pope Pius XII made numerous appeals for peace, but the Pope's appeals upset the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, who commented: "There is also a concentration camp for the old man in the Vatican, if he doesn't stop fighting for peace." ”. When Pius XI died, Mussolini mocked his death
The main problem was not they were fighting financial order, it was the fact that they were socialists and revolutionaries, the "big bad Wall Street global money" image has been used as an excuse to justify socialists movements, trying to paint that them as a conservative forces challenging the evils of the era, which is a certainly fake image. Mussolini wanted the socialization of economy and a socialist state and he remained loyal to the socialism of his youth, The Social Republic of Italy was almost named Socialist Republic of Italy.
"The Banks", "the FED," "the money", always the same image socialists use to draw support to their cause, the big money the oppress humanity and that should be attacked in order for everybody to live better, It is no surprise that Antonio Gramsci supported Mussolini in the beginning and Mussolini let Leon Trotsky wander around Italy in peace. Leon Trostsky free, light and free touring Italy in 1937.
Socialists are all cut from the same cloth, only the color changes.