The Truth About Unsubscribing from a Channel and How Much Influence it Really Has!
Cracks me up how trolls in the comments section think this actually hurts anyone's feelings...
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believe it or not it takes awhile but 26 subscribers for a small website mgtow. tv is pretty good lots more people see the content that never subscribe so you may still have lots of views
you shouldn't even give them any attention at all for unsubscribing just move on there lose. i really appreciate your channel, good truth
Naaaaa it's a different issue for different reasons...
When I get the "Oh we read your comments" etc., and when questions are not answered etc., and your asking for money etc., and your making no effort to comment / reply / answer - Naaaaaa.
This is in part some what right in some respects, but for the most part, your coming across as merely block worthy.