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The TRUTH Finally Revealed In Nashville Manifesto! Wild Fantasies, Prescriptions The Left PANICS!

Published on 07 Jun 2024 / In Entertainment
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Uggghhh the lunatic fringe....

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myopinion 9 months ago

As soon as they mentioned, "religious school, & sh**ting". I already, knew why. While SSRI's DO need to be, looked into. ....... We look forward to your, "fair & balanced" news, of what the bible says, ( specifically the parts, that say, they deserve to be "ended" ) .... & why you, can't figure out, that preaching this filth, isn't going to be, "upsetting". Why do the religious, not update, OR remove, that filth ??? Why duck & weave, the critics ??? ( without correcting it ) (The bible has already been updated, once before. So, don't give the sad excuse of, "its (g's) word, and can't be changed." (we all know, its a lie, for men, of the past, to control the masses.) (Or maybe, you don't care, that you're an ENABLER, of that FILTH.) ......... This is a picture of me, waiting for religious people, to become, ... moral. ...

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