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The US Gov want to prioritize blacks & Hispanic for vaccines

Published on 21 Dec 2020 / In News & Politics
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Doug36529 4 years ago

They are actually trying eugenics if you heard the states are saying don't give the vaccine to Senior Citizens.

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heatmyhome 4 years ago

Modern vaccines contain neurotoxins, hazardous substances, attenuated viruses, animal parts, foreign DNA, albumin from human blood, carcinogens and chemical wastes that are proven harmful to the human body. (Please see http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pu....bs/pinkbook/download

Not only the additives in vaccines considered contaminants from a biblical standpoint, the contaminants themselves are often contaminated. (Please see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20456974).

At least 27 vaccines contain cells, cellular debris, protein and DNA (please see http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pu....bs/pinkbook/download from aborted babies including but not limited to Adenovirus, Polio, Dtap/Polio/HiB Combo, Hep A, Hep A/Hep B Combo, MMR, MMRV Pro Quad, Rabies, Varicella, Shingles vaccines, Ebola, tuberculosis, malaria and influenza.

It's almost like a global satanic cult is intentionally trying to corrupt the souls of everyone on planet Earth?

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KenDelrican 4 years ago

Yes! Sir I read it couple weeks ago

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

I read the other day in a med journal that there is 5 to 6 vaxs all in one dose but the link was taken down.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

In the UK at least if you take the Vaccine you WILL still have to wear mask's, Antisocial distance and be in Lock down? So what's the point if their is NO benefit? The Human race really needs to grow up. i take the view on a personal level that I AM at WAR with a tyrannical enemy that lies and deceives .

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