The Vaccine Trials - Short Documentary Film 2021 - DELETED BY YOUTUBE
The Mirror Project, March 2, 2021
This mRNA operating system is not technically licensed as the clinical trials will not be completed until 2023, yet the vaccine promotion campaign is rampant everywhere.
The government, corporations, and celebrities are on an orchestrated campaign to sell us the vaccine, but on what basis are they promoting it?
In this film we will look at how Covid-19 vaccine managed to make it into people's veins in such a record time, how trials work, and should we just take the vaccine manufacturers word of its safety and efficacy.
This film was deleted by YouTube and is not available unless one e-mails The Mirror Project @ [email protected]
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Special Thanks to Date Dumper who managed to obtain this film.
I reprocessed this film for higher quality after mirroring.
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87 doctors originally wanted to do an interview, but near the end they all declined because of what could possibly happen to their professions as well as their own lives.
and because they didn't want to speak out about it, everyone else has to suffer for it. the oath is to do no harm, and by them making this choice unanimously will cause more death and harm due to their choice in not talking.
how much pain do the ppl have to feel in order to make the right decision? just like we are holding cuomo responsible for the thousand deaths of the elderly, the doctors may get the same treatment if they continue to not speak out.