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The Veronicas - 4EVER - great harmonies, stupid druggie chick culture.

Published on 03 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Leader_Desslok 3 months ago

Shane , you nailed it again ! " stupid druggie chick culture " 100% correct .

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I did a heap of uploads on Hunter S. Thompson, and even hand wrote him a paper letter, say I was kind of grateful for his book, "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" - because it had some really funny stuff in it..... but in the end, after kind of rereading it at 25 years drug free..... it was all for the most part, junkie bullshit - chaos and destruction. I pointed out while it was funny when I was reading it when I was 17, he had no covered in subsequent years, about the very high death toll and damage and destruction of the hippy / druggy life style, and the huge amounts of casualties.... Direct OD's, suicides, death by misadventure (driving drunk / shit faced), fights, falls etc., AND I told him that in amongst everything he ever wrote - he had not left a sign post - an escape route out of the shit... But the last thing he did do, before he shot himself - old age and chronic illness etc., and the drug binging days were over, was to type "Councilor" on his typwriter.... That was his message to the world, that he received my signal, and he told the world, to go and ask for help....

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A lot of young people don't survive the druggie culture.... because they have no solid sane rudders to steer with and good courses to set sail too... so they drift around endlessly without guidance and direction - until they crash, catch fire and sink....

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Leader_Desslok 3 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: the fact that they have no rudder , father , culture , religion or heros that are not "anti-heros " , is no accident ! this has been engineered deliberatly since the 1960s .

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