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The Victoria Australia Public Transport Retard Nazis Bendigo 5pm 17 Aug 2022

Published on 18 Aug 2022 / In Film & Animation

⁣These pricks had to come and start a fight with me, for laying on a seat in a departure area, in a railway station - just after getting out of hospital with a heart attack. Out of around 60 seats, where were only about 5 other people in the hall...
Then they moved onto picking fights with a group of kids, sitting in the corner and minding their own business, talking amongst themselves - and shoving them around - then they started arresting them.
Bastards - absolute fucking bastards - totally uncalled for.
These retarded degenerates deserve public exposure and public attention.
This is the FEED BACK by email
Thank you for your feedback regarding your journey on Bendigo service from Melbourne.
I am concerned to learn that a passenger would behave in the manner described in your feedback and I’m sorry for the distress this incident caused you.
The disadvantage of operating a public transport service is that V/Line does not have the right to ban members of the public from accessing our trains due to displaying ongoing anti-social behaviour. In future if any customers make you or your family members feel uncomfortable, threatened or in danger in any manner, we recommend you call 000 and the Victorian State Police will respond accordingly.
If you are able to locate the conductor you can also report it to them, like you have rightly done on this occasion. The conductor will then notify the driver, the police will be contacted and the train will be held. The police will then remove the person from the train. Our train services also have emergency buttons in every carriage. If you are in a safe position to do so, please press the emergency button. This will notify the driver who will then contact the conductor.
Managing the behaviour of the public remains a challenge that we share with all public transport operators across Victoria and we are always looking at ways of improving customer safety and comfort.
Your comments have also been sent to our Security team to ensure they have a record of the incident.
If you have any queries or concerns, please contact our dedicated customer service team on 1800 800 007.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact us with your feedback.
Yours sincerely,
Isra Jubran | Customer Relations Officer

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