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THE VICTORY OF FAITH - Nazi Propaganda Movie - 1933 - Very Interesting.

Published on 03 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation

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bigintol03 2 years ago


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Yeh it's another production by the woman who made "Triumph of the Will", and it's all sales pitch and propaganda... It's actually a very good film... Drags a bit towards the last half... See when the rhetoric is "Ahhh Ahhhh the Nazis - Evil - banned, banned, banned - do not watch" then you miss out on a lot of very good learning and understandings. So while Adolf Hitler was an excellent speech writer and orator, it still feels like an overwhelmingly psychotic time and place. So I can admire Adolf Hitler for a great deal of things... but fuck - it all feels so fucking insane.

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bigintol03 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Leni Riefenstahl was the name of the woman that your thinking of!

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bigintol03 2 years ago

I remember back in the late 90's she came here to give a speech at Cleveland state university, and guess (((who))) got all bent out of shape about it!

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@bigintol03: Was it Adolf who got all bent out of shape about it? Or was she coming over there to give Jessie Owens a good fucking?

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bigintol03 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: lol...It was definitely one or the other!

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@bigintol03: See my biological mother is a borderline psychotic - she is off the fucking planet, AND living in the land of the fairies. BUT she (god fuck she is crazy - I don't even want to talk abut her) she really disliked scumbags and idiots.... So I fnd myself going off the rails just like here, while finding the Nazis worthy of greater scrutiny, also being totally intolerant to the totalitarian bullshit being constantly shoved down peoples necks..... Like I absolutely love the Nazi flag as a geometic pattern and as a design, as a work of art, I am however totally intolerant of this shit being stuck up everywhere, over everything - and the Nazi salute - I don't give a fuck one way or the other.... but having to do that shit night and day, like obedient robots... having to participate in that crap with every other arse kissing fucking arsehole...... I's start shooting these retarded cunts for that bullshit alone... "Heil Hitler - Arm Up - Heels Clicking" fucking bullshit.... drives me insane.... I'd hunt them down and kill them - just for being annoyingly stupid people.

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@bigintol03: I mean these films ARE really good - but the bottomless undercurrent is, "Fuck these people are really crazy".

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bigintol03 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Hitler did have some pretty far out ideas!

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bigintol03 2 years ago

@bigintol03: But he did ALOT of things right too!

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@bigintol03: Poop Pious 12th said - after Hitler had fled the country, that he felt that Hitler was gearing up for war from the very beginning.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitler%27s_Pope https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Pius_XII - There was so much going on, open and hidden agendas, with truths and lies told by all sides... it's hard to do anything excep to hope much of what the records say, is basically true. The catholic church is a lie, Jesus the jewish zombie in low earth orbit talking to us by telepathy is a life, Jooway the diety is an invention of the evil jew cult.... and Nazi-ism is a total mind fuck along with the rest of them....

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This is actually very good.
I am seeing historical footage of real people - in their natural environments - doing what they did, then they started to gain momentum and traction in political life, if my memory serves me correctly, before they became the absolute rulers of the united Germanic states.

Joseph Goebbels, the propagandist - looks like a fucking shifty shit - they all were.

It's the story of humanity - people have been fighting and killing each other - since there was more than one of them and they had something to fight over.

Martin Borman, and Earnest Rohm - the homosexual who was murdered in "The Night of the Long Knives" a targetted assasination of the SA leaders in etc... The links say it all better - plus it's 1am...



Plus it's good to see the whole film rather than snippets and extracts and sound bytes....

It's a good education this....

One of the many things that impress me about Adolf Hitler, is that he is immaculately dressed. He looks the part - and watch him study the other people....

In the 5 or so minutes preceeding 29:30 are important - they are the lead in, the warm up speech, for Adolf Hitler and he makes a really remarkable speech.

31:13 "The most precious possession in this world is ones own people".

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