THE VICTORY OF FAITH - Nazi Propaganda Movie - 1933 - Very Interesting.
Published on 03 Jul 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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This is actually very good.
I am seeing historical footage of real people - in their natural environments - doing what they did, then they started to gain momentum and traction in political life, if my memory serves me correctly, before they became the absolute rulers of the united Germanic states.
Joseph Goebbels, the propagandist - looks like a fucking shifty shit - they all were.
It's the story of humanity - people have been fighting and killing each other - since there was more than one of them and they had something to fight over.
Martin Borman, and Earnest Rohm - the homosexual who was murdered in "The Night of the Long Knives" a targetted assasination of the SA leaders in etc... The links say it all better - plus it's 1am...
Plus it's good to see the whole film rather than snippets and extracts and sound bytes....
It's a good education this....
One of the many things that impress me about Adolf Hitler, is that he is immaculately dressed. He looks the part - and watch him study the other people....
In the 5 or so minutes preceeding 29:30 are important - they are the lead in, the warm up speech, for Adolf Hitler and he makes a really remarkable speech.
31:13 "The most precious possession in this world is ones own people".