The Wall Is Slowly Getting Bigger For Lonely Modern Women
Women are superficial by nature so their deluded aspirsations are also superficial. the look in all the wrong places for what they want( or REALLY want), and don't find it. All they have is a PUSSY and that is gradually erroding away mentsally for MEN. As a Red Pill and MGTOW with an interst in philosophy as well as all the other good GUY stuff, I find a VAGINA of a women as interesting as a Petrol Head looking at an EV, and the connection with EV's and Pussy is they both can unexpectedly burt into flames with STD's and such for pussy and Thermal Underwear for EV (SO(RRY) Thermal runaway! lol! women by nature ARE and always will be their own enemy and with out the attraction to their pussy MEN or REAL MEN have no bneed of them, then factor in the MENTAL and PSYCHOLOGICAL strate of these failure's that are women. Women have no ability to think, this is where MEN came in traditionally as savior's and protector's of women. But today? Nah! fuck em all. why should MEN become babysitter's for aging menapausal trollop's who have lived a life of indesission and achieved nothing but DRAMA out of nothing, whilst MEN or most MEN by about 40 have a lifestyle and security of some sort to see the rest of his life through. Who is going to take on the Drama and Mental Illness of some aging lunatic regardless of their looks (which is fake anyways), or the size of their tit's (also probably fake or sagging like a couple of old leaf springs)! lol!
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0:10. She looks plastic.
The NYC knock-out game is solving the clip at the start of the video. Sorry sweetie, I'm not good-looking enough to help you.
I can't be fucked with women who play games....
"Your an irritating shit who likes to waste peoples time - but not with me".