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The Watchers Fallen Angels, Alien Races, & The Book Of Enoch Explained

Published on 05 Aug 2024 / In Other
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DarkMadDog21 6 months ago

met a lot of them in dreams. i murdered a bunch of greys because they were not alive. they are very light and easy to throw around and theirs necks are easy to cut. in most of the dreams i could shapeshift and i choose a reptilian form since they are naturally stronger with thick claws. The aliens i met the most are those who helped me with my psycological issues. They had triangle heads /\ like this with ridges like this /\ on the front of the skull. They had big greys eyes and could hypnotise you. they also calmed me down during my bout of rage against stuff and listened to me calmy when i ranted about stuff. The aliens said some aliens are evil and call upon of power of christ. They also told me not to hold to anger and that making people suffer my anger was a good way to live. They also put me in a simulation room where i fought my own problems and my own shadow and after dying a lot, regenerating and trying again to kill it because i believed that i had to destroy my own shadow i fused with it in the end. since then i am a more balanced person and more stable and less angry and i can actually feel my emotions more now. Some reptilians are immune to christ words by the way, Greys are scared because they are empty shell without souls

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buddd 6 months ago

I want to know more about those triangle head aliens. Did they look like pyramid head from silent hill or what? Very interesting stuff. You're probably some wack schizo but I'd be interested to know if you can send me in the direction of some visual depictions of the triangle head aliens.

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