The WhitePill Definition
Let there be hope, optimism and enlightment in a quest for truth and redpill knowledge. What comes right after the rage phase comes the enlightment phase of the redpill leading to the white pill route towards deeper spiritual healing and acceptance of the harsh nature of the truth. There are two routes when taking the redpill: You either accept the redpill cynically and go down the blackpill route, Or you totally accept the redpill in total optimism and go down the whitepill route and truly heal.
The black pill has some of it's Optimistic sides just like the whitepill having some of it's pessimistic sides like the yin and yang, Pain and plessure are both teachers in the lessons of life.. So without these you truly dont know neither...
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will you do a blue pill version o white pill and black pill
i operate under the red and white pill