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The whole situational awareness thing was beyond her pay grade it would seem

Published on 02 Oct 2024 / In Film & Animation

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clivemcd 17 hours ago

The horse made the world a better place. It's time to remove all the warning labels so the human race can improve.

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I used to travel by bicycle through parts of Melbourne that were thick with people from Asia -and they had radars inside their heads for people on bicycles...... they could detect people coming up slowly behind them on foot paths and they would just automatically make way...... The dumb fuck Australians - never had a clue....... I could tell you some "brain dead bitches" type stories... Mostly to do with being stationary and out of the way on the foot path and I am showing all the sins of being about to mount my bicycle...... Helmet on, reaching over for the hand grips on both sides of the handle bar, coming in close to the bike, and lifting my leg up directly over the back of the bike and seat, and going to lower my leg directly onto the pedal - not swinging it out wide --- for fucks sake....... and some dumb bitch would have walked up directly behind my bike and stood right behind the back wheel, INSTEAD OF SEEING ME AND THE BIKE and going a fucking round, and then she gets kicked - because she is RIGHT BEHIND MY BICYCLE as I am mounting it.... which she can see was about to happen - and she made NO effort to move out the way..... "Oh I am a victim!" - "No your fucking stupid!" The people from Asia grew up in a bicycle based Culture..... The dumb fucking Australians - especially the women = pure shit for brains.....

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sauger1001 2 days ago

"Sad But True."

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The screaming stupid people - the IDIOT runs into the path of an oncoming horse, gets hit, and everyone else runs into the race track too... screaming, hysterics etc... No - don't stay calm, drag her out of the way.... Noooo just scream louder. Fuckwits.

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sauger1001 2 days ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Yep. The LAST place to be at that moment, is in the path of more horsemen. Crazy that the men aren't trying to pull her body off the path.

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@sauger1001: Yeah the body..... Don't know, wasn't there, am not the treating doctor etc., but an impact like that could have easily snapped her neck..... I would not have liked to have been hit like that.....

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