The #Womanist doesn't want #yourhelp , #MGTOW #RedPill Guys; she's trying to #THOT it up #forlife!
The #Womanist doesn't want #yourhelp , #MGTOW #RedPill Guys; she's trying to #THOT it up #forlife!
Don't you #fallprey to these type of #women of #thisdayandtime!
#MauriceLovellWilson #TheMasterofBluePillDisaster #RedPillknowledge #RedPillContent #RedPillAware
Guys, I was homeless believing that she loved me; Here's the proof:
DON'T let it happen to you!
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P.S. Last but not least: check out the first chapter of my upcoming book, "A Juicy Tale" @ If you dig the first chapter, buy my other three ebooks, "It's All Good", "Juicy", and "Juicy: The Caged-in Animal" for $25. I can be reached by clicking on the icons at the top of the website.
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You're over doing it. My email is full of notifications from you! If you're not careful and ease off a bit, the community might start to see you as some scam artist!
Selfish stupid whores abound and the fools that will tolerate the crap the whore does is enough to make a Man puke. Many of them love to swallow by the way banged quite a few who would swallow and beg for more or make a big show of being grossed out and take their time to spit it out. these same chicks would do anything to suck some more. Women are just fucked up in the head.