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The Womens Religious Cult

Published on 28 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

In this video, I talk about Christian Science.

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myopinion 7 months ago

The Atheist Experience airs Sundays at 4:30pm Austin time. Call the show! 512-991-9242

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myopinion 7 months ago

Secular Church is 100% better, then ANY other religious church. Seek out one, if you need a community. Religion & Science are like, water & oil, they don't mix. Prayer has been proven NOT to work. ( the Templeton Prayer Study, wasted 2.4 MILLION dollars trying to prove it worked, Wooooooomp Wooooooooomp, ... it DIDN'T.) .......... And actually, the people that relied on prayer, did 7% worse. So believing in prayer, may harm you. Yikes ! .... The entire world is against this genocide. Watch The Dusty Show, Watch Redacted, Watch Secular Talk. Quit watching TV NEWS, they are bought & paid for, by the tunnelers. What are the facts????? 1. Tunnelers been kicked out of 100's of places. (ask yourself why??????) My guess, would be, they stick to themselves, and take over places, like banking , like the media, like govt., they try to DEbank, & change the history, & words, to put themselves, in the good light ( play the victim ) ( 6mill ) ... while saying others, are bad. ... Kinda like, what they are doing, ... RIGHT F*CKING NOW !!!!!!!!! If you haven't noticed, they are making special laws, just for them. Which basically say, don't notice, or say anything bad, about us, doing a genocide. THEY ARE the problem!!!!!!!!!! The flag is coming down, cuz 1. We don't support genocide, .... & 2. ....WE want OUR money, spent on US, .... NOT on NET. ...... 2. The oldest maps show, Pally land, not tunneler land. ........ 3. We have decades old video, of Ron Paul, AND even a COLONEL, ... as well as, .... many others, ... STATING, that Hama's was created by the tunnelers. (this means its a false flag operation, so they can steal pally land.) (You know colonialism). Think how terrible, you have to be, in order, for your own creation, to turn on you, and want you d*ad. .... 4. They allow child torture & mutilation. They call it a religious tradition. (circumcision) (That sh*t should be outlawed !!!!!! ) It involves grown mens lips around baby d*cks, after cutting it, Then, while the baby screams bloody m*rder, they suck the blood, (WITH THEIR MOUTHS) and rip the skin off (WITH THEIR TEETH). Disgusting !!!!! Plenty of videos of this online. (you'll have to sift through, all the videos, of them condoning it, and trying to justify it.) .... 5. Read the Talmud, read what a GOYIM is. Read how they think of you. Read how they are allowed, to treat you. Remember their motto, is to deceive. ( L I E ) .... 6. We have video, of them spitting on Christians. S.M.H. We still have ret*rded christians, supporting them. HINT: They h*te you, and think, you are animals, in human skin, so that they can stand your presence, & you are their slave, & everything you own can be stolen, by them, ect. ect. ect. Read the TALMUD. ... 7. Theres plenty of old stories about, their blood rituals, & they were caught, with a bloody mattress, recently, in the tunnels. Why did they quickly cement the tunnel ???????? Hmmmmmmm, Why can't we see, whats down there????? Did anyone do, any DNA research, on that mattress????? How many kids are missing in the area ?????? Was this tunnel, near any schools, or orphanages? Why is less then 3% of the population, controlling the banks, the media, and have a stranglehold, on our govt. ???? ... 8. Basic math. If i slap you & you slap me back. We're done here. Thats not what is going on. If you believe the B.S. story, of the most heavily armed area in the world, for some strange reason, just on that day, at that exact time, The tunnelers claim, they weren't in the area. Then we have the 40 headless babies L I E .... that we're still waiting on, ect ect. They say less then 2000, But the retaliation is OVER 30, 000 PLUS US REPORTERS, PLUS 100'S OF MILES OF BOMBED OUT AREAS, PLUS 1 DAY COMPARED TO OVER 6 MONTHS OF BOMBINGS, PLUS HALF THE POP. OF GAZA IS UNDER 18 Y.O. ...... PLUS, THEIR BOMBING SCHOOLS & HOSPITALS, & RESUE, ECT ECT ECT. ......... This has been wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over board since day 1. ....... 1 side is being funded by the worlds super power, with the most advanced weapons known to man. ......... and the other side has sticks & stones. ........ 9. The (J's, that actually follow, their book) correctly state, THAT 1 of their first 3 rules states: YOU ARE TO STAY NOMADS, til his return. THIS MEANS ALL, THAT ARE PUSHING FOR THE TUNNELERS TO HAVE THEIR OWN PLACE, ARE WRONG, AND AGAINST WHAT THEIR BOOK SAYS TO DO. ....... 10. NOTICE THIS IS NOT AN AGNOSTIC WAR !!!!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT AN HUMANIST WAR !!!!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT AN ATHEIST WAR !!!!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT A FREE THINKERS WAR !!!!!!!! ... THIS IS NOT A SKEPTICS WAR !!!!!!!!! THIS IS A RELIGIOUS WAR, of more brainwashed ret*rds, with rituals of cow killings, and baby d*ck sucking torture & mutilation, hoping an invisible FICTIONAL (g) comes back. Thats why they want the land. NO one should be dying for this B.S. .... Religion is a CULT MIND VIRUS. ( FORCE FEED TO THE UNKNOWNING ) ( H8 IS TAUGHT ) ANYONE CAUGHT BRAINWASHING THEIR KIDS WITH THIS FILTH, SHOULD HAVE THEIR KIDS TAKEN AWAY BY C.P.S.!!!!!!!!! THEY HAVE PASSAGES, THAT WISH D*ATH ON NON BELIEVERS AND G*Y & TEACH HOW TO TREAT YOUR SLAVES, & SAY THAT CRIPPLES AREN'T ALLOWED IN HEAVEN. THEY ARE THE PROBLEM. IT'S A SEXIST RACIST & BIGOTTED ORGANIZATION. THEY LIE TO THE PUBLIC SAYING THE GOOD STUFF, WHILE SECRETIVELY HIDDING THE PEDOS, & THE FILTH. THEY PUSH PSEUDOSCIENCE ABOUT PRAYER, ( its been scientifically shown, NOT to work ) They blame the victim, when it doesn't work, & steal the publics money, and use it on themselves. They are treated better then the average citizen, because they make billions every year, TAX FREE. And the rest of us have to pay our taxes. Then OUR tax money goes to fund their religious schools & wars.

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