The World Has Gone MAD
Published on 10 Sep 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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This is a Pet Insurance ad that tells "NORMAL" people don't insure your pet with use, we are idiot's! lol! so go to another worthy insurance company. I bet this Company will lose millions in no time at all. ther whole thing is devised around a gimmick that only Morons understand?
At least the sausage ad only consisted of insane NON NORMAL creatures, and NO humans were helped in the making of this add! lol! It shows just how bad the woke Marketing business has gotten? Gibberish is the new language of Advertising, it was probably put together in a drunken stupper or something? gibberish comes from a Greek philosopher (cant remember his name), but he would lecture his nonsensical philosothy to the masses in old Greek that was understandable in it's words but not in it's wording! lol!
It seems wokeness is a kind of self-immolation ritual. I read recently that small businesses that list themselves in some woke way on Yelp and such immediately start losing trade while others that get bad reviews for being not woke see a huge increase. The article was from some lefty rag and their headline began with "Disturbing new trend..." haha
looks like woke bullshit looking for contributions from retards basically.. imo CORN SYRUP AND NATURAL FLAVORINGS ARE INSIDE OF PROCESSED MEATS. This is on of the major problems with consuming these things. This is what makes these products “so addictive.” Whatever you decide to eat make sure you’re consuming the “natural version” of that thing.