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? The World is Rising UP. The REVOLUTION Will Not Be Televised.⚡️?

Published on 23 Nov 2021 / In News & Politics

⁣? The World is Rising UP. The REVOLUTION Will Not Be Televised.⚡?

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Mustang 3 years ago

Australian's, it's good you are getting out and protesting but that will not do any good against the Cops unless you arm yourselves.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 years ago

they need guns.. and Americans need to revolt also.. the rich people have spoiled the batch./ kill the governments and rich people.. :-)

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bigintol03 3 years ago

Not all rich people are bad, many are...but not all!

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 years ago

@bigintol03: uhhuh, let God sort them out..

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Grin_Reaper 3 years ago

@bigintol03: The elites have robbed our countries of their wealth and dumbed down the population.

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bigintol03 3 years ago

@Grin_Reaper: Good point!

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grondilu 3 years ago


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Hexeze 3 years ago

Seriously. I cant watch tv anymore. Nothing but a matrix

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gchase 3 years ago

When that many citizens rise up...and the gov't ignores them...then it's nothing but tyranny.
Media doesn't cover it...
The media is organized propagandists.
They have no right to hide behind law.

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gchase 3 years ago

The main-swamp-media is dying.
Replaced by honest news blogs like this.

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