
The Worst Country on Earth!

92 Просмотры
Опубликован в 29 Mar 2024 / В Люди и блоги

It is my pleasure to bring to you: The Worst Country to Ever Exist.

India. In this gods forsaken land, the native Indian Hindu, more colloquilly known as the "Pajeet", breeds out of control like a plague of rats. Often defecating in the open with no regard for its native habitat, the pajeet spreads across the Earth like a cancerous tumor. Consuming all in its path, while the world watched on in disgust and horror.

With almost 1.4 billion pajeets and rising, our Mother Earth buckles under this terrible strain as these..creatures rapidly multiply in their own filth, with seemingly no end in sight.

Although they are incredibly disgusting and unhygeinic creatures, somehow the pajeet manages to procreate and thrive in its horrible surroundings.

Often mutated due to its toxic environment, the pajeet wallows in its supersitions. Its life is one of never-ending death, never-ending defecation, and even more, never-ending

To gaze at India is like peering into the very mouth of Hell itself.

Mired in filth, the disgusting slum-like conditions of India are a blight on the once beautiful face of mother Earth. Everytime a new pajeet is born, she sheds a single tear.

These tears rain down on our landscape, as the Earth cries out in agony. In its relentless march to destroy everything around it, the pajeet litters its surrounding environment with
never ending trash and feces.

Dear viewers, Welcome to the Worst Country on Earth!!!

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jim bennett
jim bennett 12 месяцы тому назад

wow, this movie describes some posters imo.. heheh.. pajeeeet , pajeeeeeet. .lol. tell ya what.. it is helpful to get all perspectives of the truth.. because the media sucks ass

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jim bennett
jim bennett 12 месяцы тому назад

so does our govt..

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byenzer 12 месяцы тому назад

Isn't it curious. All dark skinned countries are the least advanced of all! And, none are Christian. Hmmm...

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 12 месяцы тому назад

Ugghhhhh shitting scenes everywhere : (

No wonder people ought to avoid all medical and food based products from India and China - they have dirtied up their water, air and land really badly.

The filth is hard to watch.

This is worth saving though.

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