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Their Boat Engine Fell Off

Published on 20 Nov 2023 / In Film & Animation


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mrghoster 1 year ago

Thanks shane for this, I thought it did? I guess that is one type of SCREW they didn't know how to do! lol! Watched it a couple of times and I thought it had by looking at the wake that suddenly stopped!

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If you can down load it... and then play it in VLC media player (the best) and slow it down to a 5 or so frames a second... you can see how the rubber inflatable boat (yeah I only noticed it just then) hits some turbulence in the water (waves of sorts) and that causes the boat to twist and the gurlie to move a bit and that puts the motor at an angle not perpendicular to pushing the boat in a straight line, so the combination of forces - and the running motor, it tries to force it's self into the back of the boat , but now it's at a slight sidewards angle and so it starts to drive from the propellor end, towards the viewers left, and that lifts loose the fasteners up over the ledge on the plate where the motor mounts onto... and then the motor is going full sidewards and the prop is coming up and the motor spins around and falls off the back of the boat.... watch it in slow motion like 1 frame every second.... it's full of detail.

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I like the one on the left - she has a head like a golf ball... The thought of their hairy anus's clenching in fright.... Where are my tweezers.... LOL

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Seriously - I am mostly thinking "Are these motors, with good fuel and oil etc., reliable enough to make the trip across a big ocean... like 5,000 Km and back? - not really including MONSTER storms and 100 foot waves etc... I knew of people who had BIG speedboats with monster engines off the back who used to do day trips from "The Mainland" (Bit bit of Australia) to Tasmania ( 250 - 300 Ks away underneath) ..... /////,145.38149

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mrghoster 1 year ago

You will have to wait until next weeks Episode when the Girls whip their TIT's out to attract a passing Seagull! lol! As For me I learned to SWIM when I was 5 years old. But I guess these tramps probably wont want to spoil their swim suit or fake up? did that outboard actually fall off or just stop?

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I think the girls must have taken the motor, put it on the boat, and NOT fastened the motor to the boat by the screw clamps and safety chain..... Given how freely the motor came off... it's a fair assumption.... At the simplest of explainations.... However, there may have been other people and or circumstances that I had no knowledge of.... like it was a hire boat and the renter or staff had gone and placed the motor on the boat and forgotten to fasten it to the boat... and the girls were unwitting participants in the drama... No idea...

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mrghoster 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I bet it was attention seeking? lol!

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usr6874038614 1 year ago

Hilarious. Someone forgot to tighten the screws of the fixture.

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I wonder if they are smart enough to drop anchor and swim down and tie a rope to it and fish it out..... It looks fairly shallow in a diving / boating sense. Of course there is Jaws...

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The pot fell off the stove.
The chopping board fell off the kitchen bench.
The baby fell out of the pram.

Why stop there.

The motor fell off the boat.

Yay Women!

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