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Published on 20 May 2021 / In Film & Animation

Got food and supplies?

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AvyScottAndFlower 4 years ago

China is literally making the world PAY,

For the sin of the US/Trump, having DARED to try and level the market playing field with them..

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

Artificial high prices, forcing every industry to overbuy, huh? Sounds like this has been set up and one on purpose, partly to strip away all the economic gains we had during Trump's term. Transferring those gains from us to the corporate elite LEGALLY. Genius really. Question is: when are these stupid, subhuman-level-intelligence Normies going to actually wake up and realize this, and want to do something about it?

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Swagoku666 4 years ago

who are the "normies" you refer too?

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@Swagoku666: The vast majority of the unthinking population. The mindless consumer drones that form 90-99.5 percent of the population in any given population sample. By virtue of even actively being on this site, none of us are Normies. The Normies are our enemies, and seek to destroy us.

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Swagoku666 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: thanks for summing it up easily

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

if the government would stop interfering in the economy, solutions would come about. Primarily, they need to cut off unemployment, ppp/eidl, and stimulus and then the production would go back to normal. there is a supply chain disruption because people are not working, they are driving around and buying flat screen tvs and going to Las Vegas with stimulus money. There will be no collapse unless the governments refuses to admit they are wrong and stop this ridiculous co-vid charade. They got psyoped by china. The virus is nowhere near as bad as they thought, those military hospital ships were empty, the videos of Chinese people collapsing and bleeding to death were fake. Covid seems to be real but I think we don't fully understand why some people have adverse reactions and the vast majority of people who catch the virus live and are not hospitalized. The epic economist is a doomer for sure, he has been calling for a collapse continually for years and he has a great speaking voice so his videos seem to grab your attention. I do not think there will ever be a full on collapse, I just think that a lot of people in the first world are going to be forced to compromise with a lower standard of living because they are just too stupid and lazy and they think they can get everything for free without any consequence.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

Yep, glad to hear someone else mention that those videos coming out in 2019 and 2020 from China were so obviously staged. I cannot believe people bought that, even intially. I saw it, and said that the shit was so obviously bad acting. A corona virus acting like some military nerve agent? Lol it was so sad because people [supposedly "smart" "educated" ones] bought it up all around me like it was gospel truth. That was the beginning of me losing respect [completely] for the Normies; then the rest of the toilet paper hoarding fiasco just cemented it permanently.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

Yes, the morons are blowing the precious money [that they should have been saving or converting into assets] on useless trinkets and electronics since the start of the 'Demic. I've watched middle-class and upper-middle class, who SWEAR they are the opposite from ghetto Blacks and Latinos, do the EXACT same wasteful, frivolous spending as the trashy, low-class people do. Just fucking made me laugh my ass off, especially when I would point this out to these neighbors. They didn't like me very much after that, and even tried disparaging me because they couldn't say I was wrong.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

Covid is technically real, but it's just a flu virus. This is a completely manufactured 'pandemic'. The instances of people getting extremely sick were proven to be other illnesses brought in by illegal immigrant aliens, or diseases caught from STD-infested, immuno-compromised people. Most of our population are breeding grounds for STD/STI infestations, actually it's more severe in the middle-aged and older-aged Americans who have been fucking around [and older men fucking young sugar babies] since the 60's and 70's like nothing has ever changed . A study out of Japan even collaborated with scientists in the EU and Brazil, and found that dangerous, deadly, extremely-damaging STD's and sexual infections inhabited a huge majority of the Western populations. These are also spreading amongst the youth at alarming paces, and leaving many without a functional immune system and spreading to the children of whores in the womb even. It's disgusting and also somehow smugly satisfying how these promiscuous whores are literally just hurting themselves with their Chad-chasing. Chad spreads most of the STD's to all the hypergamous whores he fucks. These don't tend to affect Chad because of his robust physiology, but it devastates the physical and mental health of the females as a punishment from Nature it seems.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

By the way, I can no longer even find or pull that study up anymore. It disapeared off the Internet within a couple of days.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 4 years ago

Stopping the stimulus and unemployment would actually send society into a kind of free-fall. crime would go up dramatically. Domestic violence would go sky high. The stimulus isnt what most people think it is. The stimulus check and tax free unemployment is the governments way of keeping the people from getting even rowdier than they currently are. They're paying the sheep to 'Behave'. Managing cattle is serious business!

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

@Eggy_Noggy: In a normal civilized society when people commit crimes they are arrested, tried in court, and then possibly put in jail. The government is robbing anyone that has worked and saved money by giving away money and inflating the currency. Two wrongs don't make a right. The people are to hold the government responsible to not be a maker of inequity and to enforce the laws. Giving away money to prevent crime is not a solution, you are personally accountable for your actions in this life, the government is not supposed to be responsible for you

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@Eggy_Noggy: I'm glad you're thinking about the more important practical issues for why the stimulus has been given, and not the what-should-be or moralistic reasons. The actual real purpose for the money is indeed to keep society from descending into absolute anarchy and chaos. Even before the pandemic, things were already about to collapse and implode financially; the pandemic is extremely coincidentally-timed to avoid a huge implosion and collapse. Lamenting about the morals and what-ifs are a waste of time and are an exercise in futility these days. Morals and rules and honor has completely gone out of the window when talking about society at large these days.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: So glad you actually understand what im saying. And yes, youve nailed it. Moralistic implications, rules and honor have gone clear out of the window... In Society and in Government. This also leds to the important pratice of staying away from people who are incapable of going beyond the moralistic or what should be of life. Those people are the first ones to go right into the condescending masturbation. Telling you where you're responsibiities lie. Funny thing is, most of those people are the same ones who have never had that conversation on 'accountability' with their own children. Those people are as dangerous as pro-vaxxers - telling you that you SHOULD be getting the shot and that you need to do it for your country.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@Eggy_Noggy: Yep, you're spot-on about that. Sounds a lot like some of these older guys that have stumbled onto MGTOW and act like MGTOW, but still plaster near-nude photos of women on their channels, showing their complete fakeness and hypocrisy.

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Mustang 4 years ago

Good stuff. Love Michael Snyder's books and websites.

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slapmonkey 4 years ago

You can tell the scared ones by there eyes. They always go for the t.p. first.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

This is so eerily true. I witnessed this happen a handful of times right in front of me, in the small grocery store I'd frequent in Florida. Your typical moronic mindless consumers [mostly WOMEN] with the panic eyes, and the holier-than-thou attitude of checking their masks for snugness when around someone 'threatening' or intimidating [like a masculine young man]. I noticed that NOBODY was ever intimidated or even bothered/threatened by Asian or Indian males who don't have their masks on. Even the crazy, virtue-signaling Progressives just ignored them, even when the [Indian/Asian] men were trying to be as brash and rebellious as possible; the shit was so funny and interesting that nobody cared about their "health or safety."

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