There Will Be An Outcry
Published on 11 Apr 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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Look at the commie soldiers in their little uniforms. I guess black with gold trimmings is out of style? They all look old and unfit as well. I assume the Nam youth know better than to become commie soldiers for the Nam/USSA Gov? The best part is these commie soldiers are the ones having kids. Enslaving their own children under the iron fist of the Gov.
No one wants to sex with her at that age. That's why she's getting off easy. Either way I'd like to know what she did exactly? Fraud? Well then let's round up the Gov for execution then? The Nam Gov is surely corrupt just like every other Gov.
I can think of tons of fraud. Online thots, VPNs, InternetCoins, stock market, warranty plans on consumer goods, Pharma and modern medical industry, charities, etc. Oh man. After all of this we'd be left with employed working men exclusively. The ones who have real jobs by the way. Internet plus cashapps doesn't count. No workplace management or shareholders enslaving the average man. Lots of fraud out there.
We do have death by leathal injection in the west, it was called the Covid jab!
She got caught selling Time Share Mud Hut's! A kind of "VIET-CON"! you could say?
Good riddance….Ghost