These enforcement robots will patrol the 15-minute cities. You will have to present your QR code to
Published on 31 Mar 2023 / In
Film & Animation
These enforcement robots will patrol the 15-minute cities. You will have to present your QR code to gain access to your district. Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be forever in your favour.
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What if you didn't see the bot and drove past? what would it do? fire a laser beam at you or something. Personally a small electrical tape square srtuck over the censor or camera lens would work for me! lol! this is ALL BOLLOCK's for this to work it would have to be wheeled out in a world that has order, in the current situation this cannot and will not work. you see treat people like SHIT they wont comply they should have taken the other path of being nice to people then slip this shit in the back door, hah! and they say psychopaths are intelligent? could have fooled me!
Just run the fucking thing over. Seeing as they are NEW Dog like robot's you may be able to teach it a new trick or two in your favor! lol! My biggest question with all this A1 is wgere are they giong to get all thew lecky to power or charge them,? Certainly in the UK as here they can bearly produce enough fot NORMAL daily use! lol!. Also you would onmy need a medium EMF magnet in your pocket to give these things a mind warp. These may patrol the streets in Australia, The Oxford idea is to use plant pot's and pretty sign's! lol!
I will crush that fucking filth ! I don't use QR code and i don't want to use it .
A tow ball, 10 meters of chain and take the mecha-dog for a walk down the freeway at 200 Kmh....